

  • 木板
  • 播放器
  • 正方形
  • 国际象棋游戏

Board 由正方形组成,因此可以让 Board 负责创建和管理 Square 对象。每一块也都在一个正方形上,所以每块也有一个指向它所在的正方形的参考。(这有意义吗?)。然后每一块负责将自己从一个方格移动到另一个方格。玩家类拥有对他拥有的所有棋子的引用,并且还负责它们的创建(玩家应该创建棋子吗?)。Player 有一个方法 takeTurn,该方法又调用一个方法 movePiece,该方法属于piece 类,该方法将一块的位置从其当前位置更改为另一个位置。现在我对 Board 类必须负责的具体内容感到困惑。我认为需要确定游戏的当前状态并知道游戏何时结束。但是当一块改变它' s location 板子应该如何更新?它是否应该维护一个单独的正方形数组,其中存在碎片并随着碎片的移动而更新?

此外,ChessGame 最初创建 Board 和 player 对象,它们依次分别创建正方形和棋子并开始模拟。简而言之,这可能是 ChessGame 中的代码的样子

Player p1 =new Player();
Player p2 = new Player();

Board b = new Board();

  p1.takeTurn(); // calls movePiece on the Piece object




3 回答 3


I actually just wrote a full C# implementation of a chess board, pieces, rules, etc. Here's roughly how I modeled it (actual implementation removed since I don't want to take all the fun out of your coding):

public enum PieceType {
    None, Pawn, Knight, Bishop, Rook, Queen, King

public enum PieceColor {
    White, Black

public struct Piece {
    public PieceType Type { get; set; }
    public PieceColor Color { get; set; }

public struct Square {
    public int X { get; set; }
    public int Y { get; set; }

    public static implicit operator Square(string str) {
        // Parses strings like "a1" so you can write "a1" in code instead
        // of new Square(0, 0)

public class Board {
    private Piece[,] board;

    public Piece this[Square square] { get; set; }

    public Board Clone() { ... }

public class Move {
    public Square From { get; }
    public Square To { get; }
    public Piece PieceMoved { get; }
    public Piece PieceCaptured { get; }
    public PieceType Promotion { get; }
    public string AlgebraicNotation { get; }

public class Game {
    public Board Board { get; }
    public IList<Move> Movelist { get; }
    public PieceType Turn { get; set; }
    public Square? DoublePawnPush { get; set; } // Used for tracking valid en passant captures
    public int Halfmoves { get; set; }

    public bool CanWhiteCastleA { get; set; }
    public bool CanWhiteCastleH { get; set; }
    public bool CanBlackCastleA { get; set; }
    public bool CanBlackCastleH { get; set; }

public interface IGameRules {
    // ....

The basic idea is that Game/Board/etc simply store the state of the game. You can manipulate them to e.g. set up a position, if that's what you want. I have a class that implements my IGameRules interface that is responsible for:

  • Determining what moves are valid, including castling and en passant.
  • Determining if a specific move is valid.
  • Determining when players are in check/checkmate/stalemate.
  • Executing moves.

Separating the rules from the game/board classes also means you can implement variants relatively easily. All methods of the rules interface take a Game object which they can inspect to determine which moves are valid.

Note that I do not store player information on Game. I have a separate class Table that is responsible for storing game metadata such as who was playing, when the game took place, etc.

EDIT: Note that the purpose of this answer isn't really to give you template code you can fill out -- my code actually has a bit more information stored on each item, more methods, etc. The purpose is to guide you towards the goal you're trying to achieve.

于 2010-11-12T18:59:27.943 回答


class GameBoard {
 IPiece config[8][8];  

 init {


 createAndPlacePieces(color) {
   //generate pieces using a factory method
   //for e.g. config[1][0] = PieceFactory("Pawn",color);

 setTurn(color) {
   turn = color;

 move(fromPt,toPt) {
  if(getPcAt(fromPt).color == turn) {
    toPtHasOppositeColorPiece = getPcAt(toPt) != null && getPcAt(toPt).color != turn;
    possiblePath = getPcAt(fromPt).generatePossiblePath(fromPt,toPt,toPtHasOppositeColorPiece);
   if(possiblePath != NULL) {


Interface IPiece {
  function generatePossiblePath(fromPt,toPt,toPtHasEnemy);

class PawnPiece implements IPiece{
  function generatePossiblePath(fromPt,toPt,toPtHasEnemy) {
    return an array of points if such a path is possible
    else return null;

class ElephantPiece implements IPiece {....}
于 2010-11-30T17:15:40.377 回答

我最近在 PHP 中创建了一个国际象棋程序(网站点击这里源代码点击这里),我使它面向对象。这是我使用的类。

  • ChessRulebook (static) - 我把我所有的generate_legal_moves()代码都放在这里。该方法给出了一个棋盘,轮到它了,以及一些变量来设置输出的详细程度,它会生成该位置的所有合法移动。它返回 ChessMove 列表。
  • ChessMove - 存储创建代数符号所需的所有内容,包括起始方格、结束方格、颜色、棋子类型、捕获、检查、将死、提升棋子类型和过路。可选的附加变量包括消歧(对于像 Rae4 这样的移动)、castling 和 board。
  • ChessBoard - 存储与Chess FEN相同的信息,包括表示方格的 8x8 数组并存储轮到棋子的棋子、过路目标方格、易位权、半步时钟和全步时钟。
  • ChessPiece - 存储棋子类型、颜色、方格和棋子值(例如,pawn = 1、knight = 3、rook = 5 等)
  • ChessSquare - 将等级和文件存储为ints。

我目前正试图把这段代码变成一个国际象棋人工智能,所以它需要很快。我已经将generate_legal_moves()功能从 1500 毫秒优化到 8 毫秒,并且仍在努力。我从中吸取的教训是……

  • 默认情况下,不要在每个 ChessMove 中存储整个 ChessBoard。仅在需要时将电路板存放在移动中。
  • 尽可能使用原始类型int。这就是为什么ChessSquare将 rank 和 file 存储为,而不是使用人类可读的国际象棋方格符号(例如“a4”)int存储字母数字。string
  • 该程序在搜索移动树时会创建数万个 ChessSquares。我可能会重构程序以不使用 ChessSquares,这应该会提高速度。
  • 不要在你的类中计算任何不必要的变量。最初,计算我每个 ChessBoards 中的 FEN 确实会降低程序的速度。我不得不用profiler找出来。


于 2018-09-24T07:22:38.517 回答