今天是个好日子。我正在尝试将 HTML 代码保存在数据库中,并且我正在使用SHEF(Swing HTML Editor Framework),但我遇到了一个大问题。通常,生成的 HTML 是这样的:
This is the first paragraph
This is the second paragraph.
This is the last paragraph.
我想“清理” html 代码并使结果看起来像这样:
This is the first paragraph
This is the second paragraph.
This is the last paragraph.
我尝试使用HTMLCleaner和JSoup,但我还没有成功。我只能让 JSoup 工作这样
This is the first paragraph
This is the last paragraph.
This is the first paragraph
This is the last paragraph.
这是我使用的 JSoup 代码:
Document source = Jsoup.parse(sourceString);
// For each element
for(Element el: source.select("*")) {
if(el.children().isEmpty() && !el.hasText() && el.isBlock()) {
el.replaceWith(new Element(Tag.valueOf("br"), ""));//replace empty tags with newline
return source.body().html();
有什么方法可以使生成的 HTML 代码更短?谢谢!