我试图编写一个简单的示例程序来检查 Exchange 2010 服务器上的任何新邮件。据我所知,我拥有的代码应该可以正常工作。


ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService();

service.Credentials = new WebCredentials("user@domain.co.uk", "password");

service.Url = new Uri("https://address/owa");


        int unreadMail = 0;

        // Add a search filter that searches on the body or subject.
        List<SearchFilter> searchFilterCollection = new List<SearchFilter>();
        searchFilterCollection.Add(new SearchFilter.ContainsSubstring(ItemSchema.Subject, "Defense"));

        // Create the search filter.
        SearchFilter searchFilter = new SearchFilter.SearchFilterCollection(LogicalOperator.Or, searchFilterCollection.ToArray());

        // Create a view with a page size of 50.
        ItemView view = new ItemView(50);

        // Identify the Subject and DateTimeReceived properties to return.
        // Indicate that the base property will be the item identifier
        view.PropertySet = new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.IdOnly, ItemSchema.Subject, ItemSchema.DateTimeReceived);

        // Order the search results by the DateTimeReceived in descending order.
        view.OrderBy.Add(ItemSchema.DateTimeReceived, SortDirection.Descending);

        // Set the traversal to shallow. (Shallow is the default option; other options are Associated and SoftDeleted.)
        view.Traversal = ItemTraversal.Shallow;

        // Send the request to search the Inbox and get the results.
        FindItemsResults<Item> findResults = service.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Inbox, searchFilter, view);

        // Process each item.
        foreach (Item myItem in findResults.Items)
            if (myItem is EmailMessage)
                if (myItem.IsNew) unreadMail++;


我收到此错误(在 FindItemResults 行上):

'>' is an unexpected token. The expected token is '"' or '''. Line 1, position 63.

这似乎是 API 实际生成的 XML 中的错误,我尝试了一些不同的代码(都在同一行),但没有找到任何有效的方法。

有任何想法吗?当它直接来自 API 时,有点茫然!



1 回答 1


没关系,修复它 - 需要将我的服务指向:



于 2010-11-12T17:23:09.740 回答