我有一个多级锯齿模型。我正在尝试将其从宽格式转换为长格式,如下所述:http: //jeromyanglim.tumblr.com/post/37361593128/jags-converting-multilevel-model-from-wide-to但是我的模型比这个例子,所以我在完成这项工作时遇到了一些麻烦。为了说明困难,我做了一个可重复的例子。第一个块创建数据并设置 jags 参数:
##### population n
n <- 250
# num outputs
num.ys <- 10
# Vector binary to indicate which domains have correlation with independent variables
corr.vec <- c(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1)
correlation = 0.99
# Function to simulate correlated outcome
sim.fn <- function(i, var1, sw1) {
if(sw1 ==1){
temp <- corgen(n , var1, correlation )
temp <- as.numeric(temp$y * attr(temp$y,'scaled:scale') + attr(temp$y,'scaled:center'))
} else {
temp <- rnorm(n, 0, 5)
##### Generate data
df0 <- data.frame(var1=rnorm(n, 15, 2))
df1 <- data.frame(df0, sapply(1:num.ys, function(i) sim.fn(i, df0$var1, corr.vec[i])))
out.names <- paste0("y_", 1:num.ys)
names(df1) <- c("var1", out.names)
### Jags parameters
parameters = c("B1O", "b1", "b1o", "nu", "sd")
adaptSteps = 1000 # Number of steps to "tune" the samplers.
burnInSteps = 10000 # Number of steps to "burn-in" the samplers.
nChains = 2 # Number of chains to run.
numSavedSteps=1000 # Total number of steps in chains to save.
thinSteps=2 # Number of steps to "thin" (1=keep every step).
nPerChain = ceiling( ( numSavedSteps * thinSteps ) / nChains ) # Steps per chain.
modelstring = "
model {
for( i in 1 : nData ) {
for(np in 1:nVars){
y[i, np] ~ dt( mu[i,np], tau, nu)
mu[i, np] <- b0s[i] + (b1 + b1o[np]) * x1[i]
#Random effects
for(i in 1:nData){
b0s[i] ~ dnorm(0, b0stau)
#Outcome level
for (np in 1:nVars){
b1o[np] ~ dnorm(0, b1otau)
##### Priors
#Overarching Level
b1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001)
b0stau <- pow(b0ssd, -2)
b0ssd ~ dt(0, 1/625, 1)T(0,)
# tau & nu priors
nuI ~ dunif(0.001,0.5)
nu <- 1/nuI
tau <- pow(sd, -2)
sd ~ dunif(0, 10)
b1otau <- pow(b1osd, -2)
b1osd ~ dt(0, 1/625, 1)T(0,)
b1dtau <- pow(b1dsd, -2)
b1dsd ~ dt(0, 1/625, 1)T(0,)
for(np in 1:nVars){
B1O[np] <- b1 + b1o[np]
" # close quote for modelstring
zy <- (df1[, out.names])
sc_ys <- data.frame(lapply(zy, function(x) scale(x)) )
dataList = list( y = as.matrix(sc_ys), x1 = as.numeric(scale(df1$var1,)),
nVars = num.ys, nData = nrow(df1))
# Run this model via run.jags
codaSamples <- run.jags(model="model.jags.no_dom.test.txt" , data=dataList , method ="parallel", n.chains=nChains, monitor=parameters,
adapt = adaptSteps, burnin = burnInSteps, sample=nPerChain, thin=thinSteps)
mcmcChain <- data.frame(summary( codaSamples ))
因此,BO 输出接近生成数据的相关性。接下来是我对类似于上面链接中的解释的“长格式”模型的尝试。
modelstring = "
model {
for( i in 1 : nData ) {
y[i] ~ dt( mu[i] , tau, nu )
mu[i] <- b0s[i] + (b1 + b1o[idx[i]]) * x1[i]
#Random effects
for(i in 1:nData){
b0s[i] ~ dnorm(0, b0stau)
#Outcome level
for (y in 1:nVars){
b1o[y] ~ dnorm(0, b1otau[y])
##### Priors
#Overarching Level
b1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001)
b0stau <- pow(b0ssd, -2)
b0ssd ~ dt(0, 1/625, 1)T(0,)
for (y in 1:nVars){
b1otau[y] <- pow(b1osd[y], -2)
b1osd[y] ~ dt(0, 1/625, 1)T(0,)
tau <- pow(sd, -2)
sd ~ dunif(0, 10)
nuI ~ dunif(0.001,0.5)
nu <- 1/nuI
for(j in 1:nVars){
B1O[j] <- b1 + b1o[j]
" # close quote for modelstring
# Restructure data into long format
dataList2 = list( y = unlist(sc_ys), x1 = rep (as.numeric(scale(df1$var1,)), length(out.names)),
idx = rep(1:length(out.names), each=nrow(df1)),
nVars = length(out.names), nData = nrow(df1))
codaSamples2 <- run.jags(model="model.jags.no_dom.long.test.txt" , data=dataList2 , method ="parallel", n.chains=nChains, monitor=parameters,
adapt = adaptSteps, burnin = burnInSteps, sample=nPerChain, thin=thinSteps)
mcmcChain2 <- data.frame(summary( codaSamples2 ))
所以结果与 的结果mcmcChain2