I am examining async web pages async="True". In Page_Load, I am registering 3 tasks using RegisterAsyncTask. Each of these tasks is calling a SQL Server stored procedure. The stored procedure is doing a simple select and waiting for a couple of seconds using WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:02'
My problem is that the pages takes 6 seconds to get back to me instead of just 2 seconds.

This is the trace of the page.

aspx.page   Begin Load           0.000173230943152662    0.000013 
Inside      BeginAsyncOperation1 0.000268187163843751    0.000095 
Inside      BeginAsyncOperation2 0.000517126445114984    0.000249 
Inside      BeginAsyncOperation3 0.000642237681836351    0.000125 
aspx.page   End Load             6.09175786420362        6.09111 
Any ideas/suggestions?


1 回答 1


事实证明,您可以使用 PageAsyncTask 构造函数的“executeInParallel”参数来控制此行为。

于 2011-06-29T10:48:36.730 回答