var mySet = new Set([1,2,3,4,5]);
for(let myNum of mySet) {
console.log(myNum); // output: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in sepearte lines
以相反顺序迭代 Set(或 Map)的解决方案是什么?
var mySet = new Set([1,2,3,4,5]);
for(let myNum of mySet) {
console.log(myNum); // output: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in sepearte lines
以相反顺序迭代 Set(或 Map)的解决方案是什么?
正如我在尝试将最后一项添加到 Set时发现的那样,无法在 Maps 或 Sets 上获得反向迭代器。所以真正的唯一方法是使用中间数组并将其反转,如下所示:
var mySet = new Set([1,2,3,4,5]);
for (let myNum of Array.from(mySet).reverse()) {
或者您可以使用这个备用的双向链接 Set 实现:
class LinkedSetLink {
constructor(value) {
this.value = value;
this.prev = this;
this.next = this;
insertBefore(item) {
const prev = item.prev = this.prev;
const next = item.next = this;
next.prev = item;
prev.next = item;
remove() {
const prev = this.prev;
const next = this.next;
next.prev = prev;
prev.next = next;
class LinkedSet {
constructor(iterable) {
this._map = new Map();
this._pivot = new LinkedSetLink(/* undefined */);
if (iterable) {
_addAll(iterable) {
for (const item of iterable) {
has(item) {
return this._map.has(item);
add(item) {
if (!this._map.has(item)) {
const link = new LinkedSetLink(item);
this._map.set(item, link);
delete(item) {
const link = this._map.get(item);
if (link) {
clear() {
this._pivot.next = this._pivot.prev = this._pivot;
get size() {
return this._map.size;
values() {
return this._map.keys();
keys() {
return this.values();
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return this.values();
*entries() {
for (const key of this.values()) {
yield [key, key];
*reversedItems() {
let link = this._pivot.prev;
while (link !== this._pivot) {
yield link.value;
link = link.prev;
first() {
return this._pivot.next.value;
last() {
return this._pivot.prev.value;
const myset = new LinkedSet([1,2,3,4,5]);
for (let item of myset.reversedItems()) {
您还可以考虑向您的 Set 或 Map 添加自定义迭代器:
const mySet = new Set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
const myMap = new Map([
[1, 'one'],
[2, 'two'],
[3, 'three'],
[4, 'four'],
[5, 'five']
const customIterator = function () {
// get the values from the Set or Map to iterate over
// you could also use .entries() instead of .values()
// to get the key/value pairs in case of the Map
const values = Array.from(this.values());
// start at the end of the array
let index = values.length;
// the custom iterator function returns an object with a next() function
// this will be called repeatedly by for...of
return {
next: function () {
// the next() function returns an object with a done property
// to indicate when iteration is completed, and a value property
// holding the current value
return {
done: index === 0,
// `--` in front, so it decreases 'in place'
value: values[--index]
// add the customIterator to the [Symbol.iterator] property
mySet[Symbol.iterator] = customIterator;
myMap[Symbol.iterator] = customIterator;
// using for...of on the Set
for(const item of mySet) {
console.log('set:', item);
// you can also break on some condition e.g.
// if(item === 3){ break; }
// using for...of on the Map
for(const item of myMap) {
console.log('map:', item);
其他信息可以在 MDN 上找到:
var mySet = new Set([1,2,3,4,5]);
var reverse = [...mySet].reverse();
for(let myNum of reverse){
var mySet = new Set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
reverseSet = new Set([...mySet].reverse());
for 循环并忽略返回的回调值。
..快 20%reverse()
循环似乎更快..let mySet = new Set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
let myMap = new Map([
[1, 'one'],
[2, 'two'],
[3, 'three'],
[4, 'four'],
[5, 'five']
console.log('⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ Set ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯');
Array.from(mySet).reduceRight((_, v, i) => console.log(`i = ${i}; v = ${v}`), null);
console.log('⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ Map ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯');
Array.from(myMap).reduceRight((_, [k, v]) => console.log(`k = ${k}; v = ${v}`), null);