我正在使用两个数据框(df1 和 df2),我想根据名称匹配将 df2 合并到 df1 中,但两者之间的名称不完全匹配(例如:'JS Smith' 可能是“JS Smith ( Jr)") 和 df1 中的名称位于由“|”分隔的列表中 用于各种名称变体。

此外,我在 df2 中还有 1 列包含稍微不同的名称,如果原始列中没有匹配项,我想回退到这些名称。

最后,如果 df1 中有一个唯一匹配项,我只想从 df2 中引入数据,并且我不想覆盖之前引入的条目。

以下是 dfs 的示例:

df1(其中 N1 表示名称变量列表中的第一个名称)

    Name variants
0   N1|N2|N3|N4
1   N1|N2|
2   N1|N2|N3


    Name Type 1        Name Type 2        Data1     Data2     Data3
0   Name 0             Name 0.1           X         Y         Z
1   Name 1             Name 1.1           A         B         C
2   Name 2             Name 2.1           D         E         F

我想先在“Name Type 2”上进行匹配假设匹配是:

  1. 名称 0.1 -> N1|N2 中的名称之一(df1 的第 1 行)
  2. 名称 2.1 -> N1|N2|N3|N4 中的名称之一(df1 的第 0 行)
  3. 名称 1.1 -> 不匹配 df1 中的任何名称,然后我会检查与 N1|N2|N3 匹配的名称 1(df1 的第 2 行)

生成的新 df 如下所示:

    Name Variants    Matched Named    Data1     Data2     Data3    Matched
0   N1|N2|N3|N4      Name2.1          D         E         F        True
1   N1|N2|           Name0.1          X         Y         Z        True
2   N1|N2|N3|        Name1            A         B         C        True


  1. 遍历 df2 中的每一行并使用搜索 df1df1[df1['Name Variants'].contains('Name0.1')
  2. 如果存在唯一匹配项(在 df1 中找到 1 行)并且“匹配”未标记为“真”,那么我会提取数据
  3. 如果有多个匹配项,我不会提取数据
  4. 如果没有匹配项,我使用相同的方法搜索“名称 0”并再次运行相同的逻辑(1 个匹配项,当前没有合并数据等)


  1. 考虑到这是非常耗时的
  2. 我不匹配,因为我可以给出最初描述的轻微拼写差异


global_brands = set(ep["Global Brand"].dropna().str.replace("&", "").str.lower())
products = set(ep["Product"].dropna().str.replace("&", "").str.lower())
gx_name = set(ep["Generic Name"].dropna().str.replace(";","").str.lower())

add transformed names to ep and db


ep["alt_global_brands"] = ep["Global Brand"].fillna("").str.replace("&", "").str.lower()
ep["alt_product"] = ep["Product"].fillna("").str.replace("&", "").str.lower()
ep["alt_gx_name"] = ep["Generic Name"].fillna("").str.replace(";","").str.lower()

db["alt_drug_names"] = db["Trans Drug Name"].str.lower()

print(db.loc[1805,"alt_drug_names"].split("|")[0] == "buprenorphine  naloxone")
print(ep.loc[166,"alt_product"] == "vx-661  ivacaftor")


ep['Match in db'] = ""
db['EP match'] = ""

num_product_nonmatches = 0
num_product_exact_matches = 0
double_matches = 0
for product in products:
    product_matches = len(db.ix[db["alt_drug_names"].str.contains(product)])

    if product_matches == 1:
        matched_row = db.ix[db["alt_drug_names"].str.contains(product)].index[0]

    if product_matches > 1:
        num_matched_rows = 0
        for row, value in db.ix[db["alt_drug_names"].str.contains(product)]["alt_drug_names"].iteritems():
            names = value.split("|")
            for name in names:
                if product == name:
                    matched_row = row
                    num_matched_rows += 1

        if num_matched_rows == 1:
            product_matches = 1

        #elif num_matched_rows > 1: - At no point was there still a double match after looping through each rows name variants and looking for an exact match
        if num_matched_rows == 0:
            Here after looping through the name variants there was no exact match
            This seems to be for assets that are too generic (ex: clonidine hydrochloride, rotavirus vaccine, etc.)

            1. Check if name has / to split and create combo
            2. If no / or still no match => leverage generic name
            product_copy = product
            if "("  in product:
                product = product.split("(")[0].strip()

            if "/" in product:
                product_split = product.split("/")
                for product_fragment in product_split:
                    product_fragment = product_fragment.strip()

                temp_product = ""
                for product_fragment in product_split:
                    temp_product = temp_product + product_fragment + "  "

                product = temp_product[:-len("  ")].strip()

            if len(db.ix[db["alt_drug_names"].str.contains(product)]) == 1: # this instance does not occur
                product_matches = 1
                matched_row = db.ix[db["alt_drug_names"].str.contains(product)].index[0]

            elif len(db.ix[db["alt_drug_names"].str.contains(product)]) > 1:
                num_matched_rows = 0
                for row, value in db.ix[db["alt_drug_names"].str.contains(product)]["alt_drug_names"].iteritems():
                    names = value.split("|")
                    for name in names:
                        if product == name:
                            matched_row = row
                            num_matched_rows += 1

                if num_matched_rows == 1:
                    product_matches = 1

            product = product_copy

    if product_matches == 0:
        num_product_nonmatches += 1
        Check if name has / to split and create combo



        #product_name = ep[ep["Global Brand"].str.replace("&", "+")]
        #product_matches = len(db.ix[db["Drug Name"].str.contains(global_brand) and db.ix[db["Drug Name"].str.contains(global_brand)])
    if product_matches == 1:
        num_product_exact_matches += 1
#        print(product)
#        print(matched_row)
        ep_row = ep[ep['alt_product'] == product].index[0]
        if ep.loc[ep_row,'Match in db'] == "":
            ep.loc[ep_row,'Match in db'] = "TRUE"
        if db.loc[matched_row,'EP match'] == "":
            db.loc[matched_row, 'EP match'] = "TRUE"
            db.loc[matched_row, 'EP Global Name'] = ep.loc[ep_row, 'Global Brand']
            db.loc[matched_row, 'EP Product'] = ep.loc[ep_row, 'Product']
            db.loc[matched_row, 'EP Generic Name'] = ep.loc[ep_row, 'Generic Name']
            db.loc[matched_row, 'EP Company'] = ep.loc[ep_row, 'Company']
            db.loc[matched_row, 'EP Rx or OTC'] = ep.loc[ep_row, 'Prescription']
            db.loc[matched_row, 'EP markets'] = ep.loc[ep_row, 'Markets']

            columns = ['2015 Actual/ Est. (Sales)','WW sales - 2008','WW sales - 2009','WW sales - 2010','WW sales - 2011','WW sales - 2012','WW sales - 2013','WW sales - 2014','WW sales - 2015',
                       'WW sales - 2016','WW sales - 2017','WW sales - 2018','WW sales - 2019','WW sales - 2020','WW sales - 2021','WW sales - 2022','WW sales - 2023','WW sales - 2024','WW sales - 2025',
                       'WW CAGR (2018 or Launch - 2025)','WW Est. Launch','U.S. sales - 2008','U.S. sales - 2009','U.S. sales - 2010','U.S. sales - 2011','U.S. sales - 2012','U.S. sales - 2013',
                       'U.S. sales - 2014','U.S. sales - 2015','U.S. sales - 2016','U.S. sales - 2017','U.S. sales - 2018','U.S. sales - 2019','U.S. sales - 2020','U.S. sales - 2021','U.S. sales - 2022',
                       'U.S. sales - 2023','U.S. sales - 2024','U.S. sales - 2025','U.S. CAGR (2018 or Launch - 2025)','Forecasters','Forecast Statistics']

            for col in columns:
                db.loc[matched_row, col] = ep.loc[ep_row, col]

            db.loc[matched_row, 'U.S. Est. Launch'] = ep.loc[ep_row,'U.S. Est. Lauch']


print("EP non matches: " + str(num_product_nonmatches))
print("EP matches: " + str(num_product_exact_matches))
print("EP total: " + str(num_product_nonmatches + num_product_exact_matches))
print("EP total products: " + str(len(ep)))
print("EP length of product set: " + str(len(products)))
print("EP double_matches: " + str(double_matches))

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