当 Angular2 值发生变化时,我想更新我的谷歌图表。

在我的 Angular2 test.component.html 中,我有一个这样的模板:

  Test Chart

  // I want to bind this value with Goolgle Gauge

<div class="gauge">
  <google-chart [data]="gaugeChartOptions"></google-chart>

我的 Angular2 test.component.ts 看起来像这样:

export class ChartTestComponent implements OnInit {

  public parameter: Parameter;

  public gaugeChartOptions = {
    chartType: 'Gauge',
    dataTable: [
      ['Label', 'Value'],
      ['Value', 5] // I'd like to bind it with {{parameter.value}}
    options: {
      width: 200, height: 250,
      redFrom: 90, redTo: 100,
      yellowFrom: 75, yellowTo: 90,
      minorTicks: 5

  constructor(private parameterService: ParameterService) {

  changeVal(value: number) {
    this.gaugeChartOptions = Object.create(this.gaugeChartOptions);
    this.gaugeChartOptions.dataTable[1][1] =  Number(value);

  ngOnInit() {

    this.parameter =  this.parameterService.getByPath('test_signal/10_Hz');


如何使用 {{parameter.value}} 更改仪表值?



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