I have tested an Android application by connecting my PC to my smartphone ARCHOS Diamond. With Eclipse, from Java program including JavaFX, I can generate an .apk file by executing the install Gradle task.

But, this .apk is dedicated to my phone

Now, I want to spread my application on other Android phones. But I don't want to get as many kinds of phones for generating their .apk.

How can I do to generate .apk dedicated to HW and Android versions, without having these phones? And, if it possible to generate them, how to be sure that these apk work fine?



1 回答 1


如果您使用的是 Eclipse 插件。

右键单击项目 > Android 工具 > 导出签名的应用程序包

按照创建 .keystore 文件的说明操作即可!

于 2017-01-12T07:23:09.300 回答