我在 Flash 中对矢量场进行建模并生成一堆粒子以可视化场的流动。使用向量场F(x,y)=yi-xj


此代码在屏幕上生成粒子(即 800x450)。这段代码可能没有问题,但为了完整起见,我将其包含在内。

//spawn particles
var i:int;
var j:int;
//spread is the spacing between particles
var spread:Number;
spread = 10.0;
//spawn the particles
for (i=0; i<=800/spread; i++)
 for (j=0; j<=450/spread; j++)
  //computes the particles position and then constructs the particle.
  var iPos:Number = spread * Number(i) - 400.0;
  var jPos:Number = 225.0 - spread * Number(j);
  var particle:dot = new dot(iPos,jPos,10.0);


 //import stuff
 import flash.display.MovieClip;
 import flash.events.Event;
 public class dot extends MovieClip
  private var xPos:Number;
  private var yPos:Number;
  private var xVel:Number;
  private var yVel:Number;
  private var mass:Number;
  public function dot(xPos:Number, yPos:Number, mass:Number)
   //Defines the function to be called when the stage advances a frame.
   this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveDot);
   //Sets variables from the constructor's arguments.
   this.xPos = xPos;
   this.yPos = yPos;
   this.mass = mass;
   //Set these equal to 0.0 so the Number type knows I want a decimal (hopefully).
   xVel = 0.0;
   yVel = 0.0;
  //Controlls the particle's behavior when the stage advances a frame.
  private function moveDot(event:Event)
   //The vector field is a force field. F=ma, so we add F/m to the velocity. The mass acts as a time dampener.
   xVel += yPos / mass;
   yVel +=  -  xPos / mass;
   //Add the velocity to the cartesian coordinates.
   xPos +=  xVel;
   yPos +=  yVel;
   //Convert the cartesian coordinates to the stage's native coordinates.
   this.x = xPos + 400.0;
   this.y = 225.0 + yPos;



2 回答 2


您可以标准化每个粒子与原点的距离(可能不是在每个步骤上以保存计算)。此外,您的代码似乎没有优化 - 您正在为每个粒子创建 ENTER_FRAME 侦听器,其中有 3600 个。一个听众就足够了。我会将所有这些除法更改为乘以逆值。

于 2010-11-12T07:40:12.113 回答

要设置小数位,请使用 toFixed() 函数。

//Set these equal to 0.0 so the Number type knows I want a decimal (hopefully).
 xVel = 0;
 yVel = 0;
 xVel.toFixed(1); //(specifies decimal places)


于 2011-02-09T18:48:52.393 回答