2010-11-11 12:28:15.352 addressBook[25563:a0f] *** __NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x100111010 of class NSCFArray autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
how many address would you like to input?
2010-11-11 12:28:15.352 addressBook[25563:a0f] *** __NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x100111010 of class NSCFArray autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
Please input the name of contact
Please input the address of contact
john doe
Please input the birthday of contact
500 E. Main
printf("how many address would you like to input?\n");
int numAddresses;
scanf("%i", &numAddresses);
if(numAddresses<1) return 0;
NSMutableArray * arrayOfBooks = [NSMutableArray array];
for (int i = 0; i < numAddresses; ++i) {
book * f = [[book alloc] init];
[arrayOfBooks addObject:f];
[f release];
unsigned count = [arrayOfBooks count];
while (count--) {
id object = [arrayOfBooks objectAtIndex:count];
printf("Please input the name of contact\n");
char inputString1[50];
if(fgets(inputString1, sizeof inputString1, stdin)){
[object setName: inputString1];
printf("Please input the address of contact\n");
char inputString2[50];
fgets(inputString2, sizeof inputString2, stdin);
[object setAddress: inputString2];
printf("Please input the birthday of contact \n");
char inputString3[50];
fgets(inputString3, sizeof inputString3, stdin);
[object setBirthday: inputString3];
printf("Please input the phone number of contact \n");
char inputString4[50];
fgets(inputString4, sizeof inputString4, stdin);
[object setPhoneNumber: inputString4];
[object print];
return 0;