
I was looking through a long list of programming languages and I found one (Not too far down the alphabetical list) called Dylan. Being a Dylan myself, I instantly felt a connection with this language and had to install it on my favorite toy, my Raspberry Pi (Model 3B if that matters). Upon downloading the Linux x86 version (Which, I would assume, is the issue, seeing as my architecture is "armv7l"), unpacking the tarball, and completing the rest of the instructions in the README file, I was disappointed (Although, not surprised) when I got this message: "cannot execute binary file: Exec format error".

I'm not ready to give up just yet. How could I manually compile OD for the armv7l architecture, if it is possible at all? You'll need to know that my knowledge is very limited in this area, so if you tell me to "just build it" or something, it won't be very helpful.

[for reference] OD Website: http://opendylan.org/


1 回答 1


不幸的是,你不能。根据其文档,该语言依赖于 x86 架构。


我浏览了二进制文件和源代码以找出解决方法,直到有人从头开始为 ARM 编写它之前,它看起来并不存在。


我知道这令人失望,但在未来,如果你找到你喜欢的东西,但不是为 ARM 构建的,如果你可以访问源代码,特别是如果它是 C/C++/ 或 Java,(或 Python,和其他体系结构无关的语言),您可以克隆源代码并自己编译它,检查以确保代码中没有隐藏任何依赖于一些晦涩的体系结构行为的东西。(Google 和 'ctrl+f' 是你的朋友!)如果没有什么突出的, cmake在这种情况下是一个非常有用的工具!有点学习曲线,但是为不同架构构建东西的好工具。

编译完成后,运行应用程序。有时它会运行,有时它需要更多的工作,有时它只需要 x86。

于 2017-01-09T00:12:41.213 回答