我们使用 activemq 作为我们解决方案的关键路径。我们正在创建一个 DR 站点,因此我们想要实现主从配置。我们正在使用 KahaDB,但由于不支持此http://activemq.apache.org/kahadb-master-slave.html,因此我们无法在生产环境中真正使用它。共享磁盘是单点故障,因此它不是真正的 DR。JDBC 比较慢。有没有人实施过这样的解决方案?哪个选项最可靠且不影响性能?

我阅读了有关 ActiveMQ Artemis 的信息,它似乎具有我需要的主从功能,但我找不到如何将我当前的 activemq.xml 队列配置文件迁移到 Artemis,所以如果有人有关于将 ActiveMQ 迁移到 ActiveMQ Artemis 的提示也会很有帮助。



1 回答 1


First - there are options to have a DR copy of the ActiveMQ database.

  • Let the infrastructure handle it - shared disk does not need to be single point of failure and can be replicated/mirrored on storage level. Depends on your infra tech stack though.
  • LevelDB can be replicated among several nodes - hence does not require a shared storage

Anyhow - Artemis is probably the best way forward.

There is no official migration path from AMQ5 to Artemis, but most features in AMQ can be found one way or another in Artemis. Clients should work ootb as well. In the end - it depends on how much custom configuration you're using. Try ask a specific question if you hit any obstacle in migration and you will likely get help sorting that out.

于 2017-01-08T16:33:36.573 回答