所以问题似乎出在生成器上,不一定与下一个令牌和前瞻功能有关。我在 set!s 发生的地方添加了一些显示调用,发现问题是在第二次调用 (generate-token) 之后,它从第一次调用的位置恢复执行。
(define char-alphanumeric? (lambda (char) (or (char-alphabetic? char) (char-numeric? char))))
(define generate-token #f)
(define filename "input.txt")
(define next-token #f)
(define lookahead #f)
(define status #f)
(let ((f (open-input-file filename)) (yield #f) (token "") (lookahead-token #f) (current-token #f))
(set! generate-token (lambda ()
(letrec ((next-char (lambda (c)
(let ((separators (list #\; #\,)))
(cond ((eof-object? c) (display "last token before eof: ") (display token) (newline) (yield c))
((member c separators)
(display "token before sep: ") (display token) (newline)
(call-with-current-continuation (lambda (resume)
(set! generate-token (lambda () (resume)))
(yield token)))
(display "back from call") (set! token "")
(call-with-current-continuation (lambda (resume)
(set! generate-token (lambda () (resume)))
(yield (make-string 1 c))))
((or (char-alphanumeric? c) (equal? c #\_)) ; c is part of a string token
(begin (display "found char: ") (display c) (display "; added to string: ")
(set! token (string-append token (make-string 1 c)))
(display token) (newline)
(next-char (read-char f))))
((char-whitespace? c)
(display "token before ws: ") (display token) (newline)
(if (> (string-length token) 0)
(begin (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (resume)
(display "setting generate-token to resume") (newline)
(set! generate-token (lambda ()
((display "calling resume") (newline)
(display "yielding token from cc") (newline)
(yield token)))
(display "continuing...") (newline)
(set! token ""))
;(set! token "")
(next-char (read-char f))
(call-with-current-continuation (lambda (k) ((set! yield k) (k (next-char (read-char f))))))
(set! lookahead (lambda () (begin
(if (not lookahead-token)
(begin (display "no lookahead") (newline)
(display "setting lookahead-token") (newline)
(set! lookahead-token (string-copy (generate-token)))
(display "lookahead set to ") (display lookahead-token) (newline)
(set! next-token (lambda () (begin
(if lookahead-token
(begin (display "affirmative") (newline)
(set! current-token (string-copy lookahead-token))
(set! lookahead-token #f))
(begin (display "negative") (newline)
(display "setting current token to next-token") (newline)
(set! current-token (string-copy (generate-token)))
(display "current token = ") (display current-token) (newline)
(set! lookahead-token #f)))
(set! status (lambda () (begin (display current-token) (display " -> ") (display lookahead-token) (newline))))
> (next-token)
setting current token to next-token
found char: t; added to string: t
found char: h; added to string: th
found char: e; added to string: the
found char: s; added to string: thes
found char: e; added to string: these
token before ws: these
setting generate-token to resume
yielding token from cc
current token = these
> (status)
these -> #f
> (lookahead)
no lookahead
setting lookahead-token
calling resume
found char: a; added to string: a
found char: r; added to string: ar
found char: e; added to string: are
token before ws: are
setting generate-token to resume
yielding token from cc ; the problem is right here: the generate token call is
current token = are ; sending control back to next-token instead of lookahead.
> (status)
are -> #f
these are my file contents
对 (generate-token) 的连续调用分别返回“这些”“是”“我的”……。这似乎有效,但是我将其作为解析器的一部分编写为更大的任务。生成器似乎工作顺利,但是当我正在构建一个 LR(1) 解析器来解析令牌流时,我需要能够执行前瞻。为此,我创建了以下程序:
(define generate-token #f)
(define next-token #f)
(define lookahead #f)
(define status #f)
(let ((lookahead-token #f) (current-token #f))
(set! generate-token (lambda () ... ) ; the generator function
(set! lookahead (lambda () (begin
(if (not lookahead-token)
(begin (display "no lookahead") (newline)
(set! lookahead-token (string-copy (generate-token)))))
(set! next-token (lambda () (begin
(if lookahead-token
(begin (display "affirmative") (newline)
(set! current-token (string-copy lookahead-token))
(set! lookahead-token #f))
(begin (display "negative") (newline)
(set! current-token (string-copy (generate-token)))
(set! lookahead-token #f)))
(set! status (lambda () (begin (display current-token) (display " -> ") (display lookahead-token) (newline))))
但是,这些并没有按预期工作。我的印象是方案(这是用drRacket编写的,但使用#lang r5rs)按值传递对象,所以(字符串复制调用假设是不必要的,但这仍然不能按预期工作。它像这样工作:
> (status)
#f -> #f
> (next-token)
> (status) ; next-token properly sets current-token
"these" -> #f
> (lookahead) ; generator returns "are" as expected
> (status) ; notice that the current-token has been replaced instead of the lookahead-token
"are" -> #f
在不同的流程中,如果首先调用 (lookahead),则它可以正常工作。
> (status)
#f -> #f
> (lookahead)
> (status)
#f -> "these"
> (lookahead)
> (status)
#f -> "these"
> (next-token)
> (status)
"these" -> #f
> (lookahead)
> (status)
"these" -> "are"