I'm trying to use the NCrypt.dll to encrypt some data, in C++, and I'm having trouble handling keys and algorithms.
I would like to use AES with the CBC chainging method but, can't get the NCryptEncrypt function to work (I keep getting an invalid buffer size thrown).
I have created and stored a key (in the key storage provider) using the NCRYPT_AES_ALGORITHM flag but, have no idea how to set the algorithm to use the CBC method.
secSt = NCryptCreatePersistedKey(phProvider, &keyHndl, NCRYPT_AES_ALGORITHM, keyname, 0, 0);
I've tried a few property settings and had no success so, I would like to know if this is even possible with NCrypt?
I know the Bcrypt encrypt function allows this and tried to convert my NCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE to a BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE without success (so I reckon this is not possible).