的代码时遇到问题if ValidateMMonCheque <> MM
。的输出if length(RawChequenumber) = 15
将是 1 位而不是 00001(示例)
MM = HostGetFLD('','MM')
YY = HostGetFLD('','YY')
PreEditedCheque = substr(RawChequenumber,11,5)
ValidateMMonCheque = substr(RawChequenumber,7,2)
if ValidateMMonCheque <> MM Then *From this statement*
PreEditedCheque = substr('00000',1,5) *This part where those 0 can't be properly shown if pass to the next statement*
EditedCheque = '00'||'2'||'0'||YY||MM||'00'||PreEditedCheque
rc = message(2,2,EditedCheque)
if length(RawChequenumber) = 15 Then
EditedCheque = '00'||'2'||'0'||YY||MM||'00'||PreEditedCheque + 1 *Second statement if <>MM ran, this part, the PreEditedCheque will be not in 00001, it will be 1.
rc = PanSetCtlData('PREVIEW',EditedCheque)