在我的代码库中,我有一个高阶组件 (HOC),用于将所有输入验证功能添加到给定组件。在像这样定义的组件上使用它时效果很好......

let NameInput = React.createClass({
    render() {
        return (
                <label htmlFor="name-input">Name</label>
                <input name="name-input" />

let NameInput = addInputValidation(NameInput);

module.exports = NameInput;


let TestApp = React.createClass({
    render() {
        // Pretend the names array came from the server and is actually an array of objects.
        let names = ['First name', 'Middle name', 'Last name'];

        // Map over our names array in hopes of ending up with an array of input elements
        let nameComponents = names.map((name, index) => {
            let componentToRender = (
                    <div key={index}>
                        <label htmlFor={name}>{name}</label>
                        <input name={name} />

            // Here is where I'd like to be able to use an HOC to wrap my name inputs with validation functions and stuff
            componentToRender = addInputValidation(componentToRender);

            return componentToRender;

        return (
                <p>Enter some names:</p>

let addInputValidation = function(Component) {
    let hoc = React.createClass({
        getInitialState() {
            return {
                isValid: false
        render() {
            return (
                    <Component {...this.props} />
                    {this.state.isValid ? null : <p style={{color: "red"}}>Error!!!!</p>}

    return hoc;

module.exports = TestApp;

当您尝试从另一个组件中渲染调用 HOC 的结果时,React 不喜欢它。

我认为这与 mycomponentToRender不是真正的 React 组件或其他东西有关。


为什么我不能从另一个组件中调用 HOC?

有没有办法在数组的每个元素上调用 HOC?

这是一个可能有帮助的 jsfiddle:https ://jsfiddle.net/zt50r0wu/



我的addInputValidationHOC 实际上也需要更多的参数,而不仅仅是组件。它需要一组存储索引,这些索引将从 Redux 存储中提取以用于验证。这些存储索引源自描述输入的对象数组中的信息。访问这个潜在的动态数组是我希望能够在 React 生命周期内调用我的 HOC 的原因。


let Select = require('components/presentational-form/select');
let Text = require('components/presentational-form/select');
let CheckboxGroup = require('components/presentational-form/select');
let TestApp = React.createClass({
    render() {
        // Pretend the inputs array came from the server
        let inputs = [{...}, {...}, {...}];
        // Map over our inputs array in hopes of ending up with an array of input objects
        let inputComponents = inputs.map((input, index) => {    
            let componentToRender = '';

            if (input.type === 'select') {
                componentToRender = <Select labelText={input.label} options={input.options} />;
            } else if (input.type === 'text') {
                componentToRender = <Text labelText={input.label} />;
            } else if (input.type === 'checkbox') {
                componentToRender = <CheckboxGroup labelText={input.label} options={input.options} />;

            // Here is where I'd like to be able to use an HOC to wrap my name inputs with validation functions and stuff
            componentToRender = addInputValidation(componentToRender, input.validationIndexes);

            return componentToRender;

        return (
                <p>Enter some names:</p>

3 回答 3




let Select = require('components/presentational-form/select');
let Text = require('components/presentational-form/select');
let CheckboxGroup = require('components/presentational-form/select');
let TestApp = React.createClass({
    render() {
        // Pretend the inputs array came from the server
        let inputs = [{...}, {...}, {...}];
        // Map over our inputs array in hopes of ending up with an array of input objects
        let inputComponents = inputs.map((input, index) => {    
            let ComponentToRender;
            let props;            

            if (input.type === 'select') {
                ComponentToRender = addInputValidation(Select);
                props = { labelText: input.label, options: input.options };
            } else if (input.type === 'text') {
                ComponentToRender = addInputValidation(Text);
                props = { labelText: input.label };
            } else if (input.type === 'checkbox') {
                ComponentToRender = addInputValidation(CheckboxGroup);
                props = { labelText: input.label, options: input.options };

            let element = <ComponentToRender {...props} />;

            return element;

        return (
                <p>Enter some names:</p>
于 2017-01-04T23:50:12.453 回答


return componentToRender;

return React.createElement(componentToRender);


  • addInputValidation期望传递一个组件,但您传递给它一个元素( <div />)。
  • JSX 期望传递一个(数组)元素,但您传递给它的是一个组件数组。


let Input = React.createClass({
    render() {
        return (
                <label htmlFor={this.props.name}>{this.props.name}</label>
                <input name={this.props.name} />

module.exports = addInputValidation(Input);


let nameComponents = names.map((name, index) => <Input key={index} name={name} />);
于 2017-01-04T21:51:18.650 回答

是的,当然有办法。但是 HOC 通常是一种非常痛苦的处理验证的方式。

有一种不同的验证方法,基于ValueLink 模式


于 2017-01-05T04:22:53.750 回答