I am new to dotCMS. I am looking for the location that tomcat stores the data or files that are created by user, such as the content and site.

I created the the site and some content on dotCMS, and I used tomcat as the server. I am finding the location that those data or file saves in the computer, and that should be inside the server.

Someone told me that those .jsp files store in


will tell the location of the data, and I can trace the location with the help of cmd. But I have no idea what the codes inside the .jsp is talking about.

Could anyone please teach me how to trace the location of those data? How dotCMS processes those data and then send to the server for storage?


--------update-------- Is that means file based assets inside the site will store in the same folder? How about the storage location of a site? Is that and specific file to store one site, or the sites will be group together in a file? May I have one more question: The characteristic of dotCMS is to manage and process data in a website and maintain them in a user-friendly way? Those data will be store in the server. I would like to confirm whether it is correct. Thanks.


1 回答 1


dotCMS 以两种方式存储站点和站点内容。基于文件的资产(如图像、css、视频)存储在 /assets 文件夹下,基于资产版本 uuid 以类似 b-tree 的结构存储。因此,如果我有一个版本 id(inode)为 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000 的图像,那么可以在以下位置找到:


内容和结构(例如所见即所得的内容或主机/文件夹)存储在数据库中,并在运行时映射到特定的 url。

于 2017-01-05T13:33:08.710 回答