现在从命令行执行 UltraEdit 脚本:

uedit64.exe /s="J:\SkyDrive\work\ue-script\newFile.js"

是否可以从命令行将参数传递给 UltraEdit 脚本?以及如何在脚本中获取它们?


uedit64.exe /s="J:\SkyDrive\work\ue-script\newFile.js" /pars="parameter1=value1,parameter2=value2"



1 回答 1


UltraEdit 脚本通常从命令行执行,以完全重新格式化一个或多个文本文件,无需用户交互且不依赖于参数。或者,用户在 UltraEdit 中手动启动 UltraEdit 脚本,无需使用getString和/或getValue. 有许多脚本语言和脚本解释器可以根据 VBScript、PowerShell、Perl、Python 等参数执行某些操作。

无法在 UltraEdit 的命令行上为 UltraEdit 宏/脚本指定额外的自定义参数。命令行参数由uedit64.exeor解释,uedit32.exe并且 UltraEdit 宏和脚本无权访问可执行文件的参数列表。

在启动 UltraEdit 并执行脚本之前,我知道将字符串(参数)从另一个进程传递给 UltraEdit 脚本的三种可能性:

  1. 通过剪贴板,或
  2. 通过文本文件,或
  3. 通过在执行前修改脚本。

1. 通过剪贴板将参数传递给 UltraEdit/ UEStudio脚本

第一个解决方案很容易实现。但它有一个很大的缺点,即 Windows 剪贴板内容在启动时会被修改,并且在脚本读取参数及其值之前,其他进程不应将某些内容复制到剪贴板。如果 UltraEdit 应该在后台执行以执行脚本,这些缺点是非常成问题的。


echo parameter1=value1,parameter2=value2 | %SystemRoot%\System32\clip.exe
uedit64.exe /fni /s="J:\SkyDrive\work\ue-script\newFile.js"

clip.exe从 Windows Vista 和 Windows Server 2003 开始​​就可以使用。但是clip.exe在 Windows XP 上没有。但是,clip.exe从 Windows Server 2003 开始​​也可以在 Windows XP 上使用。

当默认情况下未选中配置设置允许多个实例时,强烈建议/fni在启动 UltraEdit 时使用(强制新实例)从命令行执行脚本。有关从命令行运行 UltraEdit 宏/脚本时为什么应将其用作命令行上的第一个参数的解释,请阅读UltraEdit 论坛中的主题Always get error message when running a macro/script via command line parameter (solved) ./fni


// Copy content of system (Windows/Mac/Linux) clipboard to a variable.
var sParameterList = UltraEdit.clipboardContent;

// For safety check if the first parameter string begins with "parameter1".
if (sParameterList.indexOf("parameter1") == 0)
    // Remove trailing withspaces from parameter list
    var sParameterList = sParameterList.replace(/\s+$/,"");

    // Split up the parameters list using comma as delimiter.
    var asParameterList = sParameterList.split(',');

    // For demonstration just open a message box listing the read
    // parameters with their values without splitting them up further.
    var sMessageText = "The parameter";
    if (asParameterList.length > 1)
        sMessageText += "s are:\n";
        sMessageText += " is:\n";
    for (var nParameter = 0; nParameter < asParameterList.length; nParameter++)
        sMessageText += '\n   "' +  asParameterList[nParameter] + '"';
    UltraEdit.messageBox(sMessageText,"List of parameters");

2. 通过文本文件将参数传递给 UltraEdit/UEStudio 脚本


> C:\Temp\ParameterList.tmp echo parameter1=value1,parameter2=value2
start "" /wait uedit64.exe /fni /s="J:\SkyDrive\work\ue-script\newFile.js"
del C:\Temp\ParameterList.tmp

命令ECHO输出的行被重定向到文本文件C:\Temp\ParameterList.tmp中,然后启动 UltraEdit 以在单独的进程中运行脚本并停止批处理,直到退出 UltraEdit。最后,从命令行中删除临时文本文件。


// Define the name of the file with the parameters with full path.
// The usage of environment variables in file name is not possible.
var sParameterListFile = "C:\\Temp\\ParameterList.tmp";

// Remember document index of active document which requires UltraEdit for
// Windows v16.00 or UEStudio v10.00. It would be possible to use code to
// get document index of active document on using an even older version of
// UltraEdit or UEStudio.
var nActiveDocIndex = UltraEdit.activeDocumentIdx;

// Open the parameter list file. This file should not be opened already
// before running this script. Otherwise additional code would be needed
// to search first in list of opened files for this file and read the
// parameters from already opened file and keep the file open instead
// of opening it and closing it after reading the first line.

// Test with a case-sensitive string comparison if the file could be really
// opened successfully in which case the parameter list file is the active
// file whose path property is the full name of the file with path.
if (UltraEdit.activeDocument.path == sParameterListFile)
    // Define environment for this script.

    // Read from the parameter list file just the first line without
    // the line terminating character(s) and split up the parameters
    // list using comma as delimiter before closing the file.
    var asParameterList = UltraEdit.activeDocument.selection.split(',');

    // For safety check if the first parameter string begins with "parameter1".
    if (asParameterList[0].indexOf("parameter1") == 0)
        // For demonstration just open a message box listing the read
        // parameters with their values without splitting them up further.
        var sMessageText = "The parameter";
        if (asParameterList.length > 1)
            sMessageText += "s are:\n";
            sMessageText += " is:\n";
        for (var nParameter = 0; nParameter < asParameterList.length; nParameter++)
            sMessageText += '\n"' +  asParameterList[nParameter] + '"';
        UltraEdit.messageBox(sMessageText,"List of parameters");

    // Make the previously active document again the active
    // document if there was any document opened before at all.
    if (nActiveDocIndex >= 0)

对于动态文件名的使用,在运行脚本之前,必须将文件名指定为第二个参数,以便 UltraEdit 打开该文件,脚本从第一个打开的文件中读取参数。

> "%TEMP%\Any File Name.txt" echo parameter1=value1,parameter2=value2
start "" /wait uedit64.exe /fni "%TEMP%\Any File Name.txt" /s="J:\SkyDrive\work\ue-script\newFile.js"
del "%TEMP%\Any File Name.txt"


if (UltraEdit.document.length > 0)  // Is any file opened?
    // Define environment for this script.

    // Move caret to top of first opened file which should
    // be the file with the parameters for the script.

    // Read from the parameter list file just the first line without the
    // line terminating character(s) and split up the parameters list
    // using comma as delimiter. The parameter list file remains opened.
    var asParameterList = UltraEdit.document[0].selection.split(',');

    // For safety check if the first parameter string begins with "parameter1".
    if (asParameterList[0].indexOf("parameter1") == 0)
        // For demonstration just open a message box listing the read
        // parameters with their values without splitting them up further.
        var sMessageText = "The parameter";
        if (asParameterList.length > 1)
            sMessageText += "s are:\n";
            sMessageText += " is:\n";
        for (var nParameter = 0; nParameter < asParameterList.length; nParameter++)
            sMessageText += '\n"' +  asParameterList[nParameter] + '"';
        UltraEdit.messageBox(sMessageText,"List of parameters");

3. 执行前修改脚本

UltraEdit 脚本文件是一个 ANSI 文本文件,因此可以在执行前修改脚本。

echo var asParameterList = [ "value1", "value2" ];>"%TEMP%\ParameterList.tmp"
copy /B "%TEMP%\ParameterList.tmp" + "J:\SkyDrive\work\ue-script\newFile.js" "%TEMP%\TempScript.js" >nul
start "" /wait uedit64.exe /fni /s="%TEMP%\TempScript.js"
del "%TEMP%\ParameterList.tmp" "%TEMP%\TempScript.js"

定义初始化字符串数组的 JavaScript 代码行首先写入临时文件。此临时文件与脚本文件一起复制到临时文件文件夹中的新脚本中。UltraEdit 使用带有添加参数列表数组的临时脚本文件执行。最后,两个临时文件都从命令行中删除。


// For demonstration just open a message box listing the parameter
// values as defined at top of the script from outside UltraEdit.
var sMessageText = "The parameter value";
if (asParameterList.length > 1)
    sMessageText += "s are:\n";
    sMessageText += " is:\n";
for (var nParameter = 0; nParameter < asParameterList.length; nParameter++)
    sMessageText += '\n"' +  asParameterList[nParameter] + '"';
UltraEdit.messageBox(sMessageText,"List of parameter values");


最后一个变体将// include parameters.js在脚本文件的顶部使用,并且文件parameters.js(具有完整路径或不具有路径)在命令行上动态创建,其中包含将 JavaScript 语言中的参数定义为 JavaScript 变量的行。

于 2017-01-02T16:13:29.447 回答