正如Jörg W Mittag所解释的那样,这是基于它在 ruby 中完成的方式。之后的所有代码墙if __name__=='__main__'
都是测试/演示代码。实际上只有 13 行真正的代码。
import inspect
def add_mixins(*mixins):
Dummy = type('Dummy', mixins, {})
d = {}
# Now get all the class attributes. Use reversed so that conflicts
# are resolved with the proper priority. This rules out the possibility
# of the mixins calling methods from their base classes that get overridden
# using super but is necessary for the subclass check to fail. If that wasn't a
# requirement, we would just use Dummy above (or use MI directly and
# forget all the metaclass stuff).
for base in reversed(inspect.getmro(Dummy)):
# Create the mixin class. This should be equivalent to creating the
# anonymous class in Ruby.
Mixin = type('Mixin', (object,), d)
class WithMixins(type):
def __new__(meta, classname, bases, classdict):
# The check below prevents an inheritance cycle from forming which
# leads to a TypeError when trying to inherit from the resulting
# class.
if not any(issubclass(base, Mixin) for base in bases):
# This should be the the equivalent of setting the superclass
# pointers in Ruby.
bases = (Mixin,) + bases
return super(WithMixins, meta).__new__(meta, classname, bases,
return WithMixins
if __name__ == '__main__':
class Mixin1(object):
def b(self): print "b()"
def c(self): print "c()"
class Mixin2(object):
def d(self): print "d()"
def e(self): print "e()"
class Mixin3Base(object):
def f(self): print "f()"
class Mixin3(Mixin3Base): pass
class Foo(object):
__metaclass__ = add_mixins(Mixin1, Mixin2, Mixin3)
def a(self): print "a()"
class Bar(Foo):
def f(self): print "Bar.f()"
def test_class(cls):
print "Testing {0}".format(cls.__name__)
f = cls()
print (issubclass(cls, Mixin1) or
issubclass(cls, Mixin2) or
issubclass(cls, Mixin3))