
def invert_dict(d):
  inverse = {}
  for key in d:
    new_key = d[key]
    inverse.setdefault(new_key, []).append(key)
  return inverse

letters_in_word = {"mine": 4, "yours": 5, "ours": 4, "sunday": 6, "friend": 6, "fun": 3, "happy": 5, "beautiful": 8}

print (invert_dict(letters_in_word))



Python 3.x 文档说:

设置默认值(键 [,默认值]):



  1. 假设 new_key = "快乐"
  2. new_key 的值为 5
  3. setdefault() 被调用,让我们假设 5 已经在“yours”的字典中(据我所知,因为字典是无序的,这不一定是这种情况,但让我们假设)并将返回 ["yours" ] (我的猜测是这里发生了一些稍微不同的事情,所以事实上“inverse.setdefault(5, [])”返回了[“yours”]并不是真的,就是这样)
  4. append() 被调用并且 ["yours"] --> ["yours", "happy"] - 这就是我们剩下的。

我知道在 4 结束时我错了,因为实际上我们的列表已分配给键“5”。我不明白发生这种情况的时间点 - 似乎我们刚刚回来,真的应该分配:

inverse[new_key] = inverse.setdefault(new_key, []).append(key)

但是,如果我运行这样的代码,我会收到错误 - 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'append'

任何解释都值得赞赏 - 我想我一定错过了关于这两种方法如何交互的一些东西。



1 回答 1



def invert_dict(d):
    inverse = {}
    for key in d:
        new_key = d[key]
        print('key:', key)
        print('new_key:', new_key)
        print('inverse before:', inverse)
        value = inverse.setdefault(new_key, [])
        print('inverse in the middle:', inverse)
        print('value before:', value)
        print('value after:', value)
        print('inverse after:', inverse)
    return inverse

letters_in_word = {"mine": 4, "yours": 5, "ours": 4, "sunday": 6, "friend": 6, "fun": 3, "happy": 5, "beautiful": 8}



key: beautiful
new_key: 8
inverse before: {}
inverse in the middle: {8: []}
value before: []
value after: ['beautiful']
inverse after: {8: ['beautiful']}
key: yours
new_key: 5
inverse before: {8: ['beautiful']}
inverse in the middle: {8: ['beautiful'], 5: []}
value before: []
value after: ['yours']
inverse after: {8: ['beautiful'], 5: ['yours']}
key: ours
new_key: 4
inverse before: {8: ['beautiful'], 5: ['yours']}
inverse in the middle: {8: ['beautiful'], 4: [], 5: ['yours']}
value before: []
value after: ['ours']
inverse after: {8: ['beautiful'], 4: ['ours'], 5: ['yours']}
key: sunday
new_key: 6
inverse before: {8: ['beautiful'], 4: ['ours'], 5: ['yours']}
inverse in the middle: {8: ['beautiful'], 4: ['ours'], 5: ['yours'], 6: []}
value before: []
value after: ['sunday']
inverse after: {8: ['beautiful'], 4: ['ours'], 5: ['yours'], 6: ['sunday']}
key: happy
new_key: 5
inverse before: {8: ['beautiful'], 4: ['ours'], 5: ['yours'], 6: ['sunday']}
inverse in the middle: {8: ['beautiful'], 4: ['ours'], 5: ['yours'], 6: ['sunday']}
value before: ['yours']
value after: ['yours', 'happy']
inverse after: {8: ['beautiful'], 4: ['ours'], 5: ['yours', 'happy'], 6: ['sunday']}
key: fun
new_key: 3
inverse before: {8: ['beautiful'], 4: ['ours'], 5: ['yours', 'happy'], 6: ['sunday']}
inverse in the middle: {8: ['beautiful'], 3: [], 4: ['ours'], 5: ['yours', 'happy'], 6: ['sunday']}
value before: []
value after: ['fun']
inverse after: {8: ['beautiful'], 3: ['fun'], 4: ['ours'], 5: ['yours', 'happy'], 6: ['sunday']}
key: mine
new_key: 4
inverse before: {8: ['beautiful'], 3: ['fun'], 4: ['ours'], 5: ['yours', 'happy'], 6: ['sunday']}
inverse in the middle: {8: ['beautiful'], 3: ['fun'], 4: ['ours'], 5: ['yours', 'happy'], 6: ['sunday']}
value before: ['ours']
value after: ['ours', 'mine']
inverse after: {8: ['beautiful'], 3: ['fun'], 4: ['ours', 'mine'], 5: ['yours', 'happy'], 6: ['sunday']}
key: friend
new_key: 6
inverse before: {8: ['beautiful'], 3: ['fun'], 4: ['ours', 'mine'], 5: ['yours', 'happy'], 6: ['sunday']}
inverse in the middle: {8: ['beautiful'], 3: ['fun'], 4: ['ours', 'mine'], 5: ['yours', 'happy'], 6: ['sunday']}
value before: ['sunday']
value after: ['sunday', 'friend']
inverse after: {8: ['beautiful'], 3: ['fun'], 4: ['ours', 'mine'], 5: ['yours', 'happy'], 6: ['sunday', 'friend']}
{8: ['beautiful'], 3: ['fun'], 4: ['ours', 'mine'], 5: ['yours', 'happy'], 6: ['sunday', 'friend']}

一个很好的调试器也非常有用,例如 PyCharm 中的调试器。试试看。

于 2016-12-26T22:33:34.863 回答