我正在尝试安装从luarocks 官方网站获得的最新版本的 Luarocks 。首先,我使用了从Lua官方网站引用的LuaForge Lua Binaries 项目获得的 Lua 二进制文件。但是安装脚本返回以下错误(由于堆栈溢出限制导致输出拖尾):

LuaRocks 2.4.x installer.

== Checking system... ==

Admin privileges available for installing
Looking for Lua interpreter
    checking C:\Programs\Lua
       Found lua.exe, testing it...
Interpreter found, now looking for link libraries...
    checking for C:\Programs\Lua\lua5.3.lib
    checking for C:\Programs\Lua\lua53.lib
    checking for C:\Programs\Lua\lua5.3.dll
    checking for C:\Programs\Lua\lua53.dll
       Found lua53.dll
Could not find Lua. See /? for options for specifying the location of Lua, or installing a bundled copy of Lua 5.1.

Failed installing LuaRocks. Run with /? for help.

然后我使用了从Lua官方网站引用的 Lua-joedf's Builds获得的另一个 Lua 二进制文件。但是安装脚本返回以下错误(由于堆栈溢出限制导致输出拖尾):

LuaRocks 2.4.x installer.

== Checking system... ==

Admin privileges available for installing
Looking for Lua interpreter
    checking C:\Programs\Lua
       Found lua53.exe, testing it...
Interpreter found, now looking for link libraries...
    checking for C:\Programs\Lua\lua5.3.lib
    checking for C:\Programs\Lua\lua53.lib
    checking for C:\Programs\Lua\lua5.3.dll
    checking for C:\Programs\Lua\lua53.dll
       Found lua53.dll
Link library found, now looking for headers...
    checking for C:\Programs\Lua\include\lua\5.3\lua.h
    checking for C:\Programs\Lua\include\lua53\lua.h
    checking for C:\Programs\Lua\include\lua5.3\lua.h
    checking for C:\Programs\Lua\include\lua.h
    checking for C:\Programs\Lua\lua.h
    checking C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv
       Found lua53.exe, testing it...
Interpreter found, now looking for link libraries...
    checking for C:\Programs\Lua\lua5.3.lib
    checking for C:\Programs\Lua\lua53.lib
    checking for C:\Programs\Lua\lua5.3.dll
    checking for C:\Programs\Lua\lua53.dll
       Found lua53.dll
Could not find Lua. See /? for options for specifying the location of Lua, or installing a bundled copy of Lua 5.1.

Failed installing LuaRocks. Run with /? for help.

然后我使用了从Lua 官方站点引用的LuaDist获得的另一个 Lua 二进制文件。它已经包含 luarocks,但版本较旧。使用此版本会导致以下错误:Orbit Installation Using Luarocks in Windows。所以,尝试安装 luarocks 的脚本。安装成功,我按照安装程序指令配置了以下变量(由于堆栈溢出限制导致拖尾输出):

== LuaRocks is installed! ==

You may want to add the following elements to your paths;
Lua interpreter;
  PATH     :   C:\Programs\Binaries-LuaDist-batteries-0.9.8-Windows-x86\bin
  PATH     :   C:\Program Files (x86)\LuaRocks
  LUA_PATH :   C:\Program Files (x86)\LuaRocks\lua\?.lua;C:\Program Files (x86)\LuaRocks\lua\?\init.lua
Local user rocktree (Note: %APPDATA% is user dependent);
  PATH     :   %APPDATA%\LuaRocks\bin
  LUA_PATH :   %APPDATA%\LuaRocks\share\lua\5.1\?.lua;%APPDATA%\LuaRocks\share\lua\5.1\?\init.lua
  LUA_CPATH:   %APPDATA%\LuaRocks\lib\lua\5.1\?.dll
System rocktree
  PATH     :   c:\programs\binaries-luadist-batteries-0.9.8-windows-x86\\bin
  LUA_PATH :   c:\programs\binaries-luadist-batteries-0.9.8-windows-x86\\share\lua\5.1\?.lua;c:\programs\binaries-luadist-batteries-0.9.8-windows-x86\\share\lua\5.1\?\init.lua
  LUA_CPATH:   c:\programs\binaries-luadist-batteries-0.9.8-windows-x86\\lib\lua\5.1\?.dll

Note that the %APPDATA% element in the paths above is user specific and it MUST
be replaced by its actual value.
For the current user that value is: C:\Users\Banee-Ishaque-K\AppData\Roaming.

但是 luarocks 命令现在返回


错误,怎么办?我正在使用 Windows 7 64 位,并且没有用于 Windows 的编译方法来手动编译 Lua 而不是使用二进制文件。


1 回答 1


The Solution is, just specify the Lua installation directory to Luarocks Installation script(INSTALL.bat) file using CMD line argument /LUA. In the above case,

C:\Programs\luarocks-2.4.2-win32>install.bat /LUA C:\Programs\Binaries-LuaDist-batteries-0.9.8-Windows-x86 

will install Luarocks successfully. Tested & Verified on Win 7 64 bit with Lua 5.1 64 bit along with Luarocks 2.4.2 win32 package.

To Install Luarocks; Lua interpreter,link libraries,headers & runtime must be present in the system. The binaries from LuaForge Lua Binaries project & Lua - joedf's Builds only contains Lua interpreter & link libraries. That's why the first two methods failed with errors.

Lua binaries obtained from LuaDist contains Lua interpreter,link libraries & headers; The runtime will be available in most windows systems used for development purpose (if not, we can install matching ( version that is used to compile Lua source to binary) Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables from Microsoft website). But, the problem is ..\Binaries-LuaDist-batteries-0.9.8-Windows-x86\bin is in path. the folder contains only Lua interpreter. link libraries & headers are in ..\Binaries-LuaDist-batteries-0.9.8-Windows-x86 folder.

于 2017-04-15T08:29:53.443 回答