作用于元组时是否可以看到类型f <$>
GHCi> :t (<$>)
(<$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
使用 GHC 8,您可以使用TypeApplications
GHCi> :set -XTypeApplications
GHCi> :t (<$>) @Maybe
(<$>) @Maybe :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
GHCi> :t (<$>) @Maybe @Int
(<$>) @Maybe @Int :: (Int -> b) -> Maybe Int -> Maybe b
GHCi> :t (<$>) @Maybe @_ @Bool
(<$>) @Maybe @_ @Bool :: (t -> Bool) -> Maybe t -> Maybe Bool
GHCi> :t (<$>) @_ @Int @Bool
(<$>) @_ @Int @Bool
:: Functor t => (Int -> Bool) -> t Int -> t Bool
GHCi> :t (<$>) @Maybe @Int @Bool
(<$>) @Maybe @Int @Bool :: (Int -> Bool) -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Bool
GHCi> :t (<$>) @((,) _)
(<$>) @((,) _) :: (a -> b) -> (t, a) -> (t, b)
GHCi> -- You can use the specialised function normally.
GHCi> -- That includes passing arguments to it.
GHCi> f x = x + 1
GHCi> :t (<$>) @((,) _) f
(<$>) @((,) _) f :: Num b => (t, b) -> (t, b)
in未指定该((,) _)
. 如果您愿意,可以更具体:
GHCi> :t (<$>) @((,) String) f
(<$>) @((,) String) f :: Num b => (String, b) -> (String, b)
最后,值得看看如果您尝试使用 3 元组会发生什么:
GHCi> :t (<$>) @((,,) _ _) f
(<$>) @((,,) _ _) f
:: (Num b, Functor ((,,) t t1)) => (t, t1, b) -> (t, t1, b)
正如 Daniel Wagner 在他的回答中所讨论的,base没有Functor
为 3 元组定义一个实例。尽管如此,类型检查器不能排除某个地方的某个人可能已经为前两个类型参数的某些选择定义了一个特定的实例的可能性,但那将毫无意义。出于这个原因,推测性约束Functor ((,,) t t1)
出现在类型中(对不会发生这种情况,因为在baseFunctor ((,) a)
GHCi> :t (<$>) @((,,) Bool String) f
<interactive>:1:1: error:
• Could not deduce (Functor ((,,) Bool String))
arising from a use of ‘<$>’
from the context: Num b
bound by the inferred type of
it :: Num b => (Bool, String, b) -> (Bool, String, b)
at <interactive>:1:1
• In the expression: (<$>) @((,,) Bool String) f