我正在尝试使用 DataKinds 进行类型级编程,但是当我将其中一个结构嵌套在另一个结构中时遇到了困难。
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeFamilies, GADTs, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Temp where
data Prop1 = D | E
data Lower :: Prop1 -> * where
SubThing1 :: Lower D
SubThing2 :: Lower E
class ClassLower a where
somefunc2 :: a -> String
instance ClassLower (Lower D) where
somefunc2 a = "string3"
instance ClassLower (Lower E) where
somefunc2 a = "string4"
data Prop2 = A | B | C
data Upper :: Prop2 -> * where
Thing1 :: Upper A
Thing2 :: Upper B
Thing3 :: Lower a -> Upper C
class ClassUpper a where
somefunc :: a -> String
instance ClassUpper (Upper A) where
somefunc a = "string1"
instance ClassUpper (Upper B) where
somefunc a = "string2"
instance ClassUpper (Upper C) where
somefunc (Thing3 x) = somefunc2 x
一旦我添加了 ClassUpper 的最后一个实例,我就会得到一个错误。
Temp.hs:37:25: error:
• Could not deduce (ClassLower (Lower a))
arising from a use of ‘somefunc2’
from the context: 'C ~ 'C
bound by a pattern with constructor:
Thing3 :: forall (a :: Prop1). Lower a -> Upper 'C,
in an equation for ‘somefunc’
at /Users/jdouglas/jeff/emulator/src/Temp.hs:37:13-20
• In the expression: somefunc2 x
In an equation for ‘somefunc’: somefunc (Thing3 x) = somefunc2 x
In the instance declaration for ‘ClassUpper (Upper 'C)’
我知道这'C ~ 'C