Using xml.etree
I need to access an element by a key identifier.
Having as an example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Model Id="1" Name="booname" Description="boo" Filter="b">
<Variable Id="1" Token="tothh" />
<Variable Id="2" Token="avgtt" />
<Term Id="1" Description="ln1" Coefficient="0.24160834" />
<Term Id="2" Description="ln2" Coefficient="-0.09360441" />
<Model Id="2" Name="fooname" Description="foo" Filter="f">
<Term Id="1" Description="e1" Coefficient="0.36310718" />
<Term Id="2" Description="e2" Coefficient="-0.24160834" />
How can i access the elements according to the id value? If the argument 2 is passed, whats the most direct way to access all the attributes for model fooname
I've tried to use findtext
, find
, and get
methods with a variation of arguments but i cant access the desired element.