我正在尝试从 HTML 生成图像(jpg 或 png),并且我已经尝试过 PhantomJS(通过 php 中的 jonnyw/php-phantomjs)和 wkhtmltoimage,但是它们在生成图像时都有同样的问题。任何边框半径、图像或字体都有非常糟糕的锯齿状边缘,而且根本不清晰。

起初我以为没有加载字体,但我的字体图标工作正常,它们的质量真的很差。我有 100 个质量集,在任何网站上使用 Phantomjs 或 wkhtmltoimage 时都得到相同的结果。





更新 2

这是 jonnyw/php-phantomjs 中使用的代码:

        $client = Client::getInstance();

        $width  = 560;
        $height = 670;
        $top    = 1;
        $left   = 1;

        $request = $client->getMessageFactory()->createCaptureRequest('https://myurltoscreengrab.com', 'GET');

        $request->setViewportSize($width, $height);
        $request->setCaptureDimensions($width, $height, $top, $left);

        $response = $client->getMessageFactory()->createResponse();

        // Send the request
        $client->send($request, $response);

正在使用的 JS

 * Set up page and script parameters
var page       = require('webpage').create(),
    system     = require('system'),
    response   = {},
    debug      = [],
    logs       = [],
    procedure  = {},
    resources  = 0,

 * Global variables

 * Define width & height of capture

var rectTop    = 1,
    rectLeft   = 1,
    rectWidth  = 530,
    rectHeight = 670;

if(rectWidth && rectHeight) {

    debug.push(new Date().toISOString().slice(0, -5) + ' [INFO] PhantomJS - Set capture clipping size ~ top: ' + rectTop + ' left: ' + rectLeft + ' ' + rectWidth + 'x' + rectHeight);

    page.clipRect = {
        top: rectTop,
        left: rectLeft,
        width: rectWidth,
        height: rectHeight

 * Define paper size.

 * Define viewport size.

var viewportWidth  = 530,
    viewportHeight = 670;

if(viewportWidth && viewportHeight) {

    debug.push(new Date().toISOString().slice(0, -5) + ' [INFO] PhantomJS - Set viewport size ~ width: ' + viewportWidth + ' height: ' + viewportHeight);

    page.viewportSize = {
        width: viewportWidth,
        height: viewportHeight

 * Define custom headers.

page.customHeaders = {};

 * Page settings

page.settings.resourceTimeout = 5000;

 * On resource timeout
page.onResourceTimeout = function (error) {

response        = error;
response.status = error.errorCode;


 * On resource requested
page.onResourceRequested = function (req) {


 * On resource received
page.onResourceReceived = function (res) {

    var resource = res; // To be removed in version 5.0

if(!response.status) {
    response = resource;

    if(!res.stage || res.stage === 'end') {


        if (resources === 0) {

            timeout = window.setTimeout(function() {
            }, 300);

 * Handle page errors
page.onError = function (msg, trace) {

var error = {
    message: msg,
    trace: []

trace.forEach(function(t) {
    error.trace.push(' -> ' + (t.file || t.sourceURL) + ': ' + t.line + (t.function ? ' (in function ' + t.function + ')' : ''));



 * Handle global errors
phantom.onError = function(msg, trace) {

var stack = [];

trace.forEach(function(t) {
    stack.push(' -> ' + (t.file || t.sourceURL) + ': ' + t.line + (t.function ? ' (in function ' + t.function + ')' : ''));

response.status  = 500;
response.content = msg;
response.console = stack;

system.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(response, undefined, 4));


 * Open page
page.open ('https://boxstat.co/widgets/image/stats/2898784/18/500/FFFFFF-EEEEEE-fafafa-333333-85bd4d-ffffff-e4f8cf-71b42f-fddfc1-bd6610-fad3c9-c85639-fac9c9-c52e2e', 'GET', '', function (status) {

page.evaluate(function() {

    var styles = {};

    for(var property in styles) {
        document.body.style[property] = styles[property];

    window.setTimeout(function () { 
    }, 4800);

 * Execute procedure
procedure.execute = function (status) {

if (status === 'success') {

    try {

        page.render('uploads/stats/test.png', {
            format: 'png',
            quality: 100,

        response.content = page.evaluate(function () {
            return document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].innerHTML

    } catch(e) {

        response.status  = 500;
        response.content = e.message;

response.console = logs;

system.stderr.write(debug.join('\\n') + '\\n');
system.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(response, undefined, 4));



1 回答 1


在您的 phantomjs 中添加 viewportSize 和 zoomFactor,例如:

await page.property('viewportSize', { height: 1600, width: 3600 });
await page.property('zoomFactor', 4);


  window.devicePixelRatio = 4;

尝试使用相对于屏幕 DPI 更高的纸张 DPI 设置缩放系数:

page.zoomFactor = 300 / 96;   // or use / 72


我还发现了 2 个试图处理此类问题的函数......


var makeHighResScreenshot = function(srcEl, destIMG, dpi) {
    var scaleFactor = Math.floor(dpi / 96);
    // Save original size of element
    var originalWidth = srcEl.offsetWidth;
    var originalHeight = srcEl.offsetHeight;
    // Save original document size
    var originalBodyWidth = document.body.offsetWidth;
    var originalBodyHeight = document.body.offsetHeight;

    // Add style: transform: scale() to srcEl
    srcEl.style.transform = "scale(" + scaleFactor + ", " + scaleFactor + ")";
    srcEl.style.transformOrigin = "left top";

    // create wrapper for srcEl to add hardcoded height/width
    var srcElWrapper = document.createElement('div');
    srcElWrapper.id = srcEl.id + '-wrapper';
    srcElWrapper.style.height = originalHeight*scaleFactor + 'px';
    srcElWrapper.style.width = originalWidth*scaleFactor + 'px';
    // insert wrapper before srcEl in the DOM tree
    srcEl.parentNode.insertBefore(srcElWrapper, srcEl);
    // move srcEl into wrapper

    // Temporarily remove height/width constraints as necessary
    document.body.style.width = originalBodyWidth*scaleFactor +"px";
    document.body.style.height = originalBodyHeight*scaleFactor +"px";

    window.scrollTo(0, 0); // html2canvas breaks when we're not at the top of the doc, see html2canvas#820
    html2canvas(srcElWrapper, {
        onrendered: function(canvas) {
            destIMG.src = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
            srcElWrapper.style.display = "none";
            // Reset height/width constraints
            document.body.style.width = originalBodyWidth + "px";
            document.body.style.height = originalBodyHeight + "px";


var src = document.getElementById("screenshot-source");
var img = document.getElementById("screenshot-img");
makeHighResScreenshot(src, img, 192); // DPI of 192 is 4x resolution (2x normal DPI for both width and height)


function takeHighResScreenshot(srcEl, destIMG, scaleFactor) {
    // Save original size of element
    var originalWidth = srcEl.offsetWidth;
    var originalHeight = srcEl.offsetHeight;
    // Force px size (no %, EMs, etc)
    srcEl.style.width = originalWidth + "px";
    srcEl.style.height = originalHeight + "px";

    // Position the element at the top left of the document because of bugs in html2canvas. The bug exists when supplying a custom canvas, and offsets the rendering on the custom canvas based on the offset of the source element on the page; thus the source element MUST be at 0, 0.
    // See html2canvas issues #790, #820, #893, #922
    srcEl.style.position = "absolute";
    srcEl.style.top = "0";
    srcEl.style.left = "0";

    // Create scaled canvas
    var scaledCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
    scaledCanvas.width = originalWidth * scaleFactor;
    scaledCanvas.height = originalHeight * scaleFactor;
    scaledCanvas.style.width = originalWidth + "px";
    scaledCanvas.style.height = originalHeight + "px";
    var scaledContext = scaledCanvas.getContext("2d");
    scaledContext.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);

    html2canvas(srcEl, { canvas: scaledCanvas })
    .then(function(canvas) {
        destIMG.src = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
        srcEl.style.display = "none";


var src = document.getElementById("screenshot-src");
var img = document.getElementById("screenshot-img");
takeHighResScreenshot(src, img, 2); // This time we provide desired scale factor directly, no more messing with DPI

我希望这可以帮助你。现在让我告诉你我会怎么做。我制作浏览器自动化脚本已经有一段时间了,而 PhantomJS 在 IMO 中并不是那么好。考虑使用 NightmareJS。它比 Phantom 快得多,而且更易于使用。

于 2017-05-19T16:09:23.210 回答