我有一个 Rails 应用程序,用户可以在其中创建票证。
我的应用程序名称:票证用户必须提交一些信息才能创建票证(姓名、座位 ID、地址、价格、电子邮件)。
当用户单击创建按钮时。它创建票证并将数据提交到 mysql 数据库中。这工作正常。
每当有人单击“创建”按钮时,我实际上都想运行一个 curl 脚本。这样我就可以获取数据(姓名、座位 ID、地址、价格、电子邮件)并将其导入 redcap DB(另一个项目)。
这是 curl 命令:
# Set secret token specific to your REDCap project
# Set the url to the api (ex. https://YOUR_REDCAP_INSTALLATION/api/)
# UPLOAD a flat csv record contain in file file (/path/to/my.csv)
# Note the use of '<' to get curl to read in data from external file
curl --form token=${TOKEN} \
--form overwriteBehavior=normal \
--form content=record
--form format=csv
--form type=flat \
--form data="</path/to/my.csv" \
在 .csv 文件的位置,我必须传递变量值(名称、座位 ID、地址、价格、电子邮件)
# POST /tickets
# POST /tickets.json
def create
respond_to do |format|
@ticket = Ticket.new(ticket_params)
if @ticket.save
format.html { redirect_to @ticket, notice: 'Ticket was successfully created.' }
format.json { render :show, status: :created, location: @ticket }
# Set secret token specific to your REDCap project
# Set the url to the api (ex. https://YOUR_REDCAP_INSTALLATION/api/)
# UPLOAD a flat csv record contain in file file (/path/to/my.csv)
# Note the use of '<' to get curl to read in data from external file
system(curl --form token=${@TOKEN} \
--form overwriteBehavior=normal \
--form content=record
--form format=csv
--form type=flat \
--form data="</path/to/my.csv" \
format.html { render :new }
format.json { render json: @ticket.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }
# Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions.
def set_ticket
@ticket = Ticket.find(params[:id])
# Never trust parameters from the scary internet, only allow the white list through.
def ticket_params
params.require(:ticket).permit(:name, :seat_id_seq, :address, :price_paid, :email_address,:attachment)
Started POST "/sparcformpages" for ::1 at 2016-12-21 14:42:32 -0500
Processing by SparcformpagesController#create as HTML
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"8p9NtPkUn9C+YuG3hMQ1LgnKL/8BxEzXHCnV4S7qRNBd8Spwr+jX9Y7E3 qbLok/K4fx/mHFf7Eljo/2UqkHF3w==",
"sparcformpage"=>{"record_id"=>"333", "BSMType"=>"Study Design/Development", "Description"=>"",
"purposeOfStudy"=>"Government Grant Submission", "purposeOfOtherStudy"=>"", "studyDesignSupport"=>"",
"grantNumber"=>"", "purposeOfDataAnalysis"=>"Manuscript Development", "purposeOfOtherAnalysis"=>"",
"typesofAnalysis"=>"Analysis Plan Development", "otherTypesOfAnalysis"=>"", "scopeOfAnalyticSupport"=>"",
"researchType"=>"Human", "IRBNumber"=>"", "IACUCNumber"=>"", "completionDate"=>"", "projectFundingStatus"=>"External funding with built-in BSM support",
"chargeforStudy"=>"", "chargeForDataAnalysis"=>"", "chargeForOtherEffort"=>"", "projectTrainee"=>"Yes", "primaryMentor"=>"", "emailAddress"=>"",
"alreadyCorresponded"=>"Yes", "preferenceOffaculty"=>"Dr. Marni Jacobs", "preferenceOfdataAnalyst"=>"Yao Cheng",
"commit"=>"Create Sparcformpage"}