我正在使用 Swift 3 和 Xcode 8.1 构建一个项目。首先,我在框架上使用 Siesta 创建了一个 API 客户端,并将其包含在我的邮件项目中,但是当我尝试使用框架中的结构进行向下转换时,我得到一个错误No type named 'Business' in module 'ApiClient'
我的框架与 carthage 注入的另一个依赖项一起位于工作区中,我可以从中调用另一个实例(如 API 本身),但我需要访问它才能向下转换结果。我还尝试在Link Binary With Libraries、Compile Sources、Embed Frameworks、Embedded Binaries和Linked Frameworks and Libraries下添加框架,但无法使其工作......
// BusinessesViewController.swift
import UIKit
import ApiClient
import Siesta
class BusinessesViewController: UIViewController, ResourceObserver{
override func viewDidLoad() {
func resourceChanged(_ resource: Resource, event: ResourceEvent) {
let businesses: Array = resource.typedContent(ifNone: [])
if(businesses.count > 0){
let object : ApiClient.Business = businesses[0] as! ApiClient.Business // <-- error here
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
// global.swift
import Foundation
import ApiClient
class Global {
var MyAPI :ApiClientService
init() {
MyAPI = ApiClientService(baseURL: "http://test.myproject.com")
var globalInstance = Global()
// Business.swift -- from ApiClient framework
import SwiftyJSON
import Foundation
struct Business {
let name, id: String?
let userId: Int?
let description: String?
init(json: JSON) throws {
id = json["id"].string
userId = json["user_id"].int
name = json["name"].string
description = json["description"].string