I've been trying to figure out how to use Watson Knowledge Studio for couple weeks now. I've been working with cooking recipes to keep data simple and easy to annotate. My goal would be to be able to submit a recipe as an unstructured text and get a structured response with the recipe name, ingredients, cooking devices, budget, diet, etc.

It's actually doing ok so far, except for the recipe name.

So my question is how to teach the model how to identify this very specific part (recipe name) since it's almost always different?

Any advice welcome :)


1 回答 1


在 Watson Knowledge 工作室的“注释器组件”中,您有一个称为机器学习的组件。创建一个包含少数代表性文档的语料库并完成人工注释。您可以将此集用作机器学习组件的训练集,并查看评估的统计数据并微调模型。这个过程是这样的:

创建类型系统(您可以创建自定义字典以自动注释文档)-> 创建代表性文档的文档语料库-> 人工注释文档(实体、关系和会议)-> 提交注释--> 批准annotations --> Create machine learning annotator --> 选择文档语料库 --> Build Training Set, Test Set and Blind Set (或者你可以使用系统建议的分布) --> Train & Evaluate --> Check statistics -- > 创建版本快照 --> 使用您的 AlchemyAPI 密钥部署版本 --> 您的模型将被创建。


HTH 戈帕尔

于 2016-12-18T02:37:57.067 回答