I'm trying to override 'w' in vim so it would call an external program and filter the buffer instead of writing to a file. There are very good examples across the internet about how to do that. I tried one from vim.wikia.com, but vim always complains with E488: Trailing characters
. This is the command in my vimrc:
cabbrev w <c-r>=(getcmdtype()==':' && getcmdpos()==1 ? 'W' : 'w')<CR>
I'm not very familiar with vim script. I tried removing <CR>
from the end of the line with no luck.
Since I want to run vim as customized as possible I run it with the -u
flag. I noticed that vim behaves differently when using that flag compared to running it without it
With the -u
flag the expanded abbreviation is what needs to be evaluated as code.
Without the flag, the abbreviation is what it is intended to be (here I enter the cabbrev rule from vim's prompt)