最近我遇到了这样的问题。就我而言,我有一个扩展 Person 的 Student 类。Person 具有 Person 类型的其他三个属性:父亲、母亲和责任人。以防万一,我有一个循环关系。当我运行 JUnits 测试时,我收到了循环调用。我没有得到 stakOverflow,因为 Spring(一段时间后)关闭了数据库连接。
我解决了从我的 Person 类中删除动态对象创建的问题。
解决此问题的另一种方法是在映射器中添加条件。您可以在此处阅读有关条件的更多信息。例如,您可以有一些条件说:“如果人员属性 id 为 10,那么,不需要映射它。”。这样我们就可以避免无穷映射。好吧,让我们看一些代码片段:
public class Student extends Person implements IStudent {
private Person financialResponsible;
// Getters and setters.
public class Person implements IPerson {
private Long id;
private String name;
private Person father;
private Person mother;
private Person responsible;
private Address address;
// Getters and setters.
// This is my real problem. I removed it and the mapper worked.
public IPerson getFather() {
if (father == null) father = new Person();
return father;
public class StudentDTO extends PersonDTO {
private PersonDTO financialResponsible;
// Getters and setters.
PersonDTO 类:
public class PersonDTO {
private Long id;
private String name;
private PersonDTO father;
private PersonDTO mother;
private PersonDTO responsible;
private AddressDTO address;
// Getters and setters.
import org.modelmapper.Condition;
ModelMapper mapper = new ModelMapper();
// Define STRICT to give high precision on mapper.
* Create conditions to avoid infinity circularity.
// Condidions.
final Condition<IStudent, StudentDTO> fatherIsTen = mappingContext -> mappingContext.getSource().getFather().getId() == 10;
final Condition<IStudent, StudentDTO> motherIsTen = mappingContext -> mappingContext.getSource().getMother().getId() == 10;
final Condition<IStudent, StudentDTO> resposibleIsTen = mappingContext -> mappingContext.getSource().getResponsible().getId() == 10;
// Adding conditions on mapper.
mapper.createTypeMap(IStudent.class, StudentDTO.class) //
.addMappings(mapper -> mapper.when(fatherIsTen).skip(StudentDTO::setFather))
.addMappings(mapper -> mapper.when(motherIsTen).skip(StudentDTO::setMother))
.addMappings(mapper -> mapper.when(resposibleIsTen).skip(StudentDTO::setResponsible));
我希望帮助o /