x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
y <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
dx <- c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
dy <- c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
每个点的坐标是 (x +/- dx, y +/- dy)。
我想用线 y=k*x 拟合它并得到结果:k +/- dk。
x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
y <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
dx <- c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
dy <- c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
每个点的坐标是 (x +/- dx, y +/- dy)。
我想用线 y=k*x 拟合它并得到结果:k +/- dk。
Terry Therneau 今年早些时候在 rhelp 上回答了这个问题,引用了 Ripley 教授 1987 年的一篇论文:除了“总最小二乘法”之外,它还被称为戴明回归和正交回归:
# Generalized Deming regression, based on Ripley, Analyst, 1987:377-383.
deming <- function(x, y, xstd, ystd, jackknife=TRUE, dfbeta=FALSE,
scale=TRUE) {
Call <- match.call()
n <- length(x)
if (length(y) !=n) stop("x and y must be the same length")
if (length(xstd) != length(ystd))
stop("xstd and ystd must be the same length")
# Do missing value processing
nafun <- get(options()$na.action)
if (length(xstd)==n) {
tdata <- nafun(data.frame(x=x, y=y, xstd=xstd, ystd=ystd))
x <- tdata$x
y <- tdata$y
xstd <- tdata$xstd
ystd <- tdata$ystd
else {
tdata <- nafun(data.frame(x=x, y=y))
x <- tdata$x
y <- tdata$y
if (length(xstd) !=2) stop("Wrong length for std specification")
xstd <- xstd[1] + xstd[2]*x
ystd <- ystd[1] + ystd[2] * y
if (any(xstd <=0) || any(ystd <=0)) stop("Std must be positive")
minfun <- function(beta, x, y, xv, yv) {
w <- 1/(yv + beta^2*xv)
alphahat <- sum(w * (y - beta*x))/ sum(w)
sum(w*(y-(alphahat + beta*x))^2)
minfun0 <- function(beta, x, y, xv, yv) {
w <- 1/(yv + beta^2*xv)
alphahat <- 0 #constrain to zero
sum(w*(y-(alphahat + beta*x))^2)
afun <-function(beta, x, y, xv, yv) {
w <- 1/(yv + beta^2*xv)
sum(w * (y - beta*x))/ sum(w)
fit <- optimize(minfun, c(.1, 10), x=x, y=y, xv=xstd^2, yv=ystd^2)
coef = c(intercept=afun(fit$minimum, x, y, xstd^2, ystd^2),
fit0 <- optimize(minfun0, coef[2]*c(.5, 1.5), x=x, y=y,
xv=xstd^2, yv=ystd^2)
w <- 1/(ystd^2 + (coef[2]*xstd)^2) #weights
u <- w*(ystd^2*x + xstd^2*coef[2]*(y-coef[1])) #imputed "true" value
if (is.logical(scale) && scale) {
err1 <- (x-u)/ xstd
err2 <- (y - (coef[1] + coef[2]*u))/ystd
sigma <- sum(err1^2 + err2^2)/(n-2)
# Ripley's paper has err = [y - (a + b*x)] * sqrt(w); gives the same SS
else sigma <- scale^2
test1 <- (coef[2] -1)*sqrt(sum(w *(x-u)^2)/sigma) #test for beta=1
test2 <- coef[1]*sqrt(sum(w*x^2)/sum(w*(x-u)^2) /sigma) #test for a=0
rlist <- list(coefficient=coef, test1=test1, test0=test2, scale=sigma,
err1=err1, err2=err2, u=u)
if (jackknife) {
delta <- matrix(0., nrow=n, ncol=2)
for (i in 1:n) {
fit <- optimize(minfun, c(.5, 1.5)*coef[2],
x=x[-i], y=y[-i], xv=xstd[-i]^2, yv=ystd[-i]^2)
ahat <- afun(fit$minimum, x[-i], y[-i], xstd[-i]^2, ystd[-i]^2)
delta[i,] <- coef - c(ahat, fit$minimum)
rlist$variance <- t(delta) %*% delta
if (dfbeta) rlist$dfbeta <- delta
rlist$call <- Call
class(rlist) <- 'deming'
print.deming <- function(x, ...) {
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call), "\n\n", sep = "")
if (is.null(x$variance)) {
table <- matrix(0., nrow=2, ncol=3)
table[,1] <- x$coefficient
table[,2] <- c(x$test0, x$test1)
table[,3] <- pnorm(-2*abs(table[,2]))
dimnames(table) <- list(c("Intercept", "Slope"),
c("Coef", "z", "p"))
else {
table <- matrix(0., nrow=2, ncol=4)
table[,1] <- x$coefficient
table[,2] <- sqrt(diag(x$variance))
table[,3] <- c(x$test0, x$test1)
table[,4] <- pnorm(-2*abs(table[,3]))
dimnames(table) <- list(c("Intercept", "Slope"),
c("Coef", "se(coef)", "z", "p"))
print(table, ...)
cat("\n Scale=", format(x$scale, ...), "\n")
您正在寻求执行总最小二乘拟合。有一整本书,“总最小二乘问题:计算方面和分析”,作者 Sabine van Huffel,Joos Vandewalle。维基百科的文章应该足以让您编写解决方案 - 它基本上是“采用稍微增强系统的 SVD”