我已尝试根据此处找到的说明运行 Intu Manager:https ://rg-gateway.mybluemix.net/README.pdf ,但没有成功。我有一个有效且已注册的组织和组,并且能够登录到 Bluemix 并访问资源。但是,当我启动 Intu Manager 时,它首先显示“正在将 com 注册到 Intu 网关以进行授权”,然后显示一条错误消息:
Gateway Login FailOrganization does not have a parent associated with it
The organization you are trying to sign into does not have a Parent Self instance associated with it.
Contact a system administrator to resolve this issue!
我的组织是 TRI,我的组是 TARS。