
#include <tuple>
#include <cassert>

void LegacySignature( void* param );

template< typename... ArgsT >
// using ???; // attempt: can 'template alias' or 'using declaration' make the pack's type visible so I can use it inside the LegacyFunction?
void MyFunc( ArgsT&... args )
  auto userArgsTuple = std::forward_as_tuple< ArgsT&... >( args... );

  LegacySignature( &userArgsTuple );

void LegacySignature( void* param )
//  auto userArgsTuple = reinterpret_cast<???>( param ); // attempt: how can I get the parameter pack's type declared so I can use it here?

  // do something with the params like change num to 44 and tf to true;
  //userArgsTuple->num = 44; // desired functionality
  //userArgsTuple->tf = true; // desired functionality

int main()
  int num { 33 };
  bool tf { false };
  MyFunc( num, tf );
  assert( num == 44 && tf == true );

  return 0;



2 回答 2



这是一种 C++11 方法。

template<class Sig, class F>
struct magic_callback_t;

template<class R, class...Args, class F>
struct magic_callback_t<R(Args...), F> {
  F f;
  void* pvoid() const { return this; }
  using result_sig = R(*)(void*, Args...);
  result_sig pfunc() const {
    return [](void* pvoid, Args...args)->R{
      auto* self = static_cast<magic_callback_t*>(pvoid);
      return (self->f)(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template<class Sig, class F>
magic_callback_t<Sig, F> magic_callback( F&& f ) {
  return {std::forward<F>(f)};


auto callback = magic_callback( [&](){
  // use whatever as if we where in the enclosing scope

void(*)(void*) legacy_ptr = callback.pfunc();
legacy_ptr( callback.pvoid() );

将调用您传递给的 lambda magic_callback

如果您想将内容存储为元组,则可以。只需捕获 lambda 中的元组,然后在 lambdastd::get的主体中使用它来访问它。mutable如果您希望它是可变的,请使用它。

于 2016-12-13T22:39:34.217 回答

下面的代码修复了示例代码,以便它回答有关如何使用 forward_as_tuple 将参数包传递给旧函数签名的问题。

#include <tuple>
#include <cassert>
#include <memory>
#include <functional>

#define ARGSET int, bool

void LegacySignature( long* param ); // ie, LPARAM

template< typename... ArgsT >
struct MyParams
  MyParams( ArgsT... args ) : rvalRefs { std::forward_as_tuple( args... ) } {} // The resulting forward_as_tuple tuple has rvalue reference data members 
  std::tuple< ArgsT... > rvalRefs;

void LegacySignature( long* legSigParam )
  auto userArgsTuple( reinterpret_cast< MyParams< ARGSET >* >( legSigParam ) );

  // do something with the params like change num to 44 and tf to true;
  std::get< 0 >( userArgsTuple->rvalRefs ) = 44; // index types can probably be worked out using enums
  std::get< 1 >( userArgsTuple->rvalRefs ) = true;

int main()
  int num { 33 };
  bool tf { false };
  MyParams< ARGSET > myParams( num, tf );

  std::unique_ptr< MyParams< ARGSET > > legSigParamPtr = std::make_unique< MyParams< ARGSET > >( myParams );
  LegacySignature( ( long* )legSigParamPtr.get() );
  assert( std::get< 0 >( legSigParamPtr->rvalRefs ) == 44 && std::get< 1 >( legSigParamPtr->rvalRefs ) == true );

  return 0;
于 2016-12-15T17:25:01.363 回答