我正在尝试在 JAGS 中执行分层分析,从 Kruschke 的《做贝叶斯数据分析》第 9 章推断。我希望获得四个硬币(theta 的 1、2、3 和 4)正面比例的后验参数估计,来自两枚铸币厂,以及来自每个铸币厂的硬币平均偏差的估计值(铸币厂偏差:欧米茄)。我将每个铸币厂的偏差 kappa 的可变性保持为常数。问题是我无法从第二次造币厂得到后验估计,它似乎只是对先验进行抽样。有谁知道如何修复模型字符串文本(参见下面的步骤 3)以便为第二个铸币厂生成后验估计?
############### 1. Generate the data
flips <- c(sample(c(rep(1,3), rep(0,9))), # coin 1, mint 1, 12 flips total
sample(c(rep(1,1), rep(0,4))), # coin 2, mint 1, 5 flips total
sample(c(rep(1,10), rep(0,5))), # coin 1, mint 2, 15 flips
sample(c(rep(1,17), rep(0,6)))) # coin 2, mint 2, 23 flips
coins <- factor(c(rep(1,12), rep(2,5), rep(3, 15), rep(4, 23)))
mints <- factor(c(rep(1,17), rep(2,38)))
nFlips <- length(flips)
nCoins <- length(unique(coins))
nMints <- length(unique(mints))
#################### 2. Pass data into a list
dataList <- list(
flips = flips,
coins = coins,
mints = mints,
nFlips = nFlips,
nCoins = nCoins,
nMints = nMints)
################### 3. specify and save the model
modelString <- "
# start with nested likelihood function
for (i in 1:nFlips) {
flips[i] ~ dbern(theta[coins[i]])
# next the prior on theta
for (coins in 1:nCoins) {
theta[coins] ~ dbeta(omega[mints[coins]]*(kappa - 2) + 1, (1 - omega[mints[coins]])*(kappa - 2) + 1)
# next we specify the prior for the higher-level parameters on the mint, omega and kappa
for (mints in 1:nMints) {
omega[mints] ~ dbeta(2,2)
kappa <- 5
writeLines(modelString, "tempModelHier4CoinTwoMint.txt")
############################### Step 4: Initialise Chains
initsList <- list(theta1 = mean(flips[coins==1]),
theta2 = mean(flips[coins==2]),
theta3 = mean(flips[coins==3]),
theta4 = mean(flips[coins==4]),
omega1 = mean(c(mean(flips[coins==1]),
omega2 = mean(c(mean(flips[coins==3]),
############################### Step 5: Generate Chains
runJagsOut <- run.jags(method = "simple",
model = "tempModelHier4CoinTwoMint.txt",
monitor = c("theta[1]", "theta[2]", "theta[3]", "theta[4]", "omega[1]", "omega[2]"),
data = dataList,
inits = initsList,
n.chains = 1,
adapt = 500,
burnin = 1000,
sample = 50000,
thin = 1,
summarise = FALSE,
plots = FALSE)
############################### Step 6: Convert to Coda Object
codaSamples <- as.mcmc.list(runJagsOut)
############################### Step 7: Make Graphs
df <- data.frame(as.matrix(codaSamples))
theta1 <- ggplot(df, aes(x = df$theta.1.)) + geom_density()
theta2 <- ggplot(df, aes(x = df$theta.2.)) + geom_density()
theta3 <- ggplot(df, aes(x = df$theta.3.)) + geom_density()
theta4 <- ggplot(df, aes(x = df$theta.4.)) + geom_density()
omega1 <- ggplot(df, aes(x = df$omega.1.)) + geom_density()
omega2 <- ggplot(df, aes(x = df$omega.2.)) + geom_density()
ggsave("coinsAndMintsHier/hierPropFourCoinsTwoMints.pdf", grid.arrange(theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, omega1, omega2, ncol = 2), device = "pdf", height = 30, width = 10, units = "cm")