我正在使用 AWS Assume 角色访问逻辑。为此,我试图在前一个凭证过期之前获得新的临时凭证。

我发现 AmazonSTSCredentialsProvider 正在执行此逻辑。但这仅存在于移动 SDK 中,而不存在于 java SDK 中。java SDK没有这个类或者Java SDK有其他提供者来做这个临时凭证刷新有什么原因吗?


1 回答 1


The AWS Java SDK offers a wide variety of implementations of the AWSCredentialsProvider Interface - for your use case, I assume you'd want to look into the STSSessionCredentialsProvider and/or the STSAssumeRoleSessionCredentialsProvider.

As for reasons on the differences between SDKs - I'm not too familiar with the mobile SDK and thus have no idea why there would be different class namings/offerings there.

于 2016-12-07T14:05:51.237 回答