使用 ng2-dragula。我正在寻找使用新删除的订单更新数据库中每个项目的 orderNumber。

dragulaService.dropModel.subscribe((value) => {
  var drake = dragulaService.find('bag-orders').drake
  var models = drake.models


TL;DR:有没有人使用 ng2-dragula 在数据库 onDrop 中实现重新排序?


4 回答 4


如果您希望能够拖动项目(不让它们消失)并触发 dropModel 事件:

  • 将 [dragula] 和 [dragulaModel] 指令放在父元素中。(例如,与将它们放入的当前文档相反<li>,您必须将它们放入<ul>

  • 注入 dragularService,并在组件的构造函数中:

  • 为包调用 dragulaService.setOptions (你可以传递一个空字典)。如果您不调用它,dropModel则不会触发回调

  • 订阅 dropModel


<ul [dragula]='"first-bag"' [dragulaModel]='playlists'>
  <li *ngFor="let playlist of playlists">

//Inside the component.ts  
playlists: Playlist[];

constructor(private youtubeService: YoutubeService, private dragulaService: DragulaService) {

    dragulaService.setOptions('first-bag', {})
    dragulaService.dropModel.subscribe((value) => {

private onDropModel(args) {
    //Here, this.playlists contains the elements reordered
于 2016-12-11T12:13:50.290 回答

我正在使用 ng2-dragula 并且我注意到的东西很奇怪。我遇到的问题是一样的。服务器调用未根据拖动顺序更新数据对象。

我刚刚在 ngDoCheck 生命周期钩子中使用了 if 子句来解决这个问题。




private dropModelUpdated = false;

ngAfterViewInit() {
    // this method only changes a variable to execute a method in ngDoCheck
    this.dragulaService.drop.subscribe((value) => {
      this.dropModelUpdated = true;

然后,在 ngDoCheck 生命周期钩子中,

ngDoCheck() {    
    if (this.dropModelUpdated) { // this excutes if this.dropModelUpdated is true only
        const drake = this.dragulaService.find('any_bag_name').drake;
        const models = drake.models;
        this.modelContent.groups = models[0];
        // ...Here... Make the server or DB call to update the model with the changed/sorted order
        this.dropModelUpdated = false; // make sure this is there for the next smooth execution
于 2017-07-20T07:28:17.900 回答

我终于找到了解决方案。我有一个水平列表。前两个元素是我想忽略的元素,并且都有ignoreCSS 类。并且所有元素都有item类。所以标记:

<ul [dragula]='"foo-list"' class="list">
    <li class="list ignore">a</li>
    <li class="list ignore">b</li>
    <li class="list" *ngFor="let item of getList()" [attr.data-id]="item.id">{{ item.name }}</li>


constructor(private dragulaService: DragulaService) {
    let dragIndex: number, dropIndex: number;

    dragulaService.setOptions('foo-list', {
        moves: (el, source, handle, sibling) => !el.classList.contains('ignore'),
        accepts: (el, target, source, sibling) => sibling === null || !sibling.classList.contains('ignore'),
        direction: 'horizontal'

    dragulaService.drag.subscribe((value) => {
        // HACK
        let id = Number(value[1].dataset.id);
        if (!!id) {
            dragIndex = _.findIndex(this.getList(), {id: id});

    dragulaService.drop.subscribe((value:any[]) => {
        // HACK
        let elementNode = value[2].querySelectorAll('.item:not(.ignore)').item(dragIndex);
        if (elementNode) {
            let id = Number(elementNode.dataset.id);
            if (!!id) {
                dropIndex = _.findIndex(this.getList(), {id: id});

        if (value[2] === value[3]) { // target === source
            if (dragIndex >= 0 && dropIndex >= 0 && dragIndex !== dropIndex) {
                let temp: any = this.list[dragIndex];

                this.list[dragIndex] = this.list[dropIndex];
                this.list[dropIndex] = temp;

        // Custom code here

getList(): any[] {
    return this.list;
于 2017-01-20T12:43:58.637 回答

我发现 Marçal 的回答非常有帮助,甚至对其进行了扩展,以将更新发布到我的数据库以更新列表中每个项目(在我的情况下是组织内的联系人)的序列值:


<div class="container" [dragula]="'org-' + org.id" [dragulaModel]="org.contacts">
  <nested-contact *ngFor="let contact of org.contacts" [user]="contact" class="contact" [attr.data-id]="contact.id"></nested-contact>

JS(在我的联系人服务中,一个 PUT 函数用于更新与我的每个联系人关联的存储序列值,以便他们的订单持续存在):

contactsIdPut (id, body) {
  let url = '/api/v3/contacts/' + id + '?access_token=' + localStorage.getItem('access_token');
  let headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });
  let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });

  return this.http.put(url, body, options)
    .map((response: Response) => {
      return response.json();



export class nestedOrganizationComponent {
  orgs = [];
  thisOrg: any;
  thisContact: any;

  constructor (private _contactService: ContactService, private dragulaService: DragulaService) {
    this._contactService = _contactService;

    let dragIndex: any;
    let dropIndex: any;
    let elementNode: any;

    dragulaService.drag.subscribe((value) => {
      let id = Number(value[1].dataset.id);
      let orgId: Number = value[0].split('-')[1];
      elementNode = value[2].querySelectorAll('.contact:not(.ignore)').item(dragIndex);

      if (!!id) {
        // this renderedOrgs is just an array to hold the org options that render in this particular view
        this.thisOrg = this._organizationService.renderedOrgs.filter(org => { return org.id == orgId; })[0];
        this.thisContact = this.thisOrg.contacts.filter(contact => { return contact.id == id; })[0];

        let arr = this.thisOrg.contacts.map(x => { return x.id; });
        dragIndex = arr.indexOf(id);

    dragulaService.drop.subscribe((value: any[]) => {
      if (elementNode) {
          let id = Number(elementNode.dataset.id);
          if (!!id) {
            let arr = this.thisOrg.contacts.map(x => { return x.id; });
            dropIndex = arr.indexOf(id);

      if (value[2] === value[3]) { // target container === source container
          if (dragIndex >= 0 && dropIndex >= 0 && dragIndex !== dropIndex) {
            this.thisOrg.contacts.forEach((contact, index) => {
              contact.sequence = index;
              this.updateSequence(contact.id, index);

  updateSequence (id: Number, index: Number) {
    let contactBody = {
      avatar: {
        sequence: index,

    return this._contactService.contactsIdPut(id, contactBody)
        (data: any) => {
          // nothing is needed, the same view can apply because the contact has already been moved.
        (error: any) => {


于 2017-03-29T03:41:46.263 回答