我在 Rakudo 2016.07 中运行良好的操作类中有以下方法,但我刚刚安装了 2016.11,现在新的 Rakudo 说我的方法试图分配给只读变量,我只是没有看到问题:
method ptName ($/) {
my $nameStr = $/.Str, my $lastName, my $firstName;
my $newMatch # this is line 182;
# Cannot assign to a readonly variable or a value
= $nameStr.match(/ \" (<alpha>+) .*? \, \s* (<alpha>+) .*? \" /);
$lastName = $newMatch[0];
$firstName = $newMatch[1];
make "$lastName $firstName";
Cannot assign to a readonly variable or a value
in method ptName at /home/lisprog/Binary/grammar.pl line 182
in regex ptName at /home/lisprog/Binary/grammar.pl line 151
in regex TOP at /home/lisprog/Binary/grammar.pl line 137
in block <unit> at /home/lisprog/Binary/grammar.pl line 217
==================================================== ===
我写了一个测试程序,现在看来,如果我在方法签名中不使用($/),因为我必须在方法内部使用 .match,我将无法再做任何事情。我做错了什么?这是测试程序和结果:
grammar test {
regex TOP { <foo><bar> }
regex foo { :i \s* foo \s* }
regex bar { :i \s bar \s* }
class actTest {
method foo ($x) { # program fails if I use $/ in signature
print "1 "; say $x; # how to combine the 2 and show $x as match?
print "2 "; say $x.WHAT;
my $newStr = $x.Str;
print "3 "; say $newStr;
my $newMatch
= $newStr.match(/:i(f)(oo)/); # adverb cannot be outside?
print "4 "; say $newMatch.WHAT;
print "5 "; say $newMatch;
print "6 "; say $/;
my $oo = $newMatch[1].Str;
print "10 "; say $oo;
my $f = $newMatch[0].Str;
print "11 "; say $f;
my $result = $oo ~ $f;
print "12 "; say $result;
make $result; # now I cannot make anything; huh???
method TOP ($/) {
print "8 "; say $<bar>;
print "9 "; say $<foo>.made; # failed, method 'foo' makes nothing
make $<bar> ~ $<foo>.made;
my $m = test.parse("Foo bar", actions => actTest.new);
print "7 "; say $m;
1 「Foo 」
2 (Match)
3 Foo
4 (Match)
5 「Foo」
0 => 「F」
1 => 「oo」
6 「Foo」
0 => 「F」
1 => 「oo」
10 oo
11 F
12 ooF
1 「Foo」
2 (Match)
3 Foo
4 (Match)
5 「Foo」
0 => 「F」
1 => 「oo」
6 「Foo」
0 => 「F」
1 => 「oo」
10 oo
11 F
12 ooF
8 「 bar」
9 (Any)
Use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context.
Methods .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can be used to stringify it to
something meaningful.
in method TOP at matchTest.pl line 28
7 「Foo bar」
foo => 「Foo」
bar => 「 bar」