我在一个项目中有这两个函数,它将用户信息加载并保存到一个文件中。每个用户都保存在文件的新行中。我的问题是当我尝试使用 ftell(f) 时程序崩溃了。当我打印 ftell(f) 时,它会在使用 fopen() 打开文件后打印 -1。我试图在 errno 中查看错误,但是一旦我使用 fseek 修改文件指针 f 位置,它会在 fopen() 之后打印“NO ERROR”但是“INVALID ARGUMENT”。
我的问题出在我的 Load_File 函数中,但我也显示了 Save_File 函数以检查我在文件中是否正确写入。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
LIST Load_File(LIST L){
//PRE: receive a void list (L==NULL)
//POST: returns an user's loaded from file
USER user; //node of list
char str[150];
//User's structure
char name[30];
char CI[10];
char email[30];
char city[30];
char password[30];
FILE *f;
printf("File not found. \n");
return L;
//Code for verify what's happening
printf("FTELL: %d/n", ftell(f)); //prints -1
printf("ERRNO: %s\n", strerror(errno)); //prints NO ERROR
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_CUR);
printf("FTELL: %d\n", ftell(f)); //still prints -1
printf("ERRNO: %s\n", strerror(errno)); //prints INVALID ARGUMENT
printf("FEOF: %d\n",feof(f)); //CRASHES! (a)
while(feof(f)==0){ //CRASHES when (a) line is deleted
//Load line of file in user's structure
fgets(str, 150, f);
sscanf(str,"%s %s %s %s %s ",name, CI, email, city, password);
//Copy into structure's parts
strcpy(user->name, name);
strcpy(user->CI, CI);
strcpy(user->email, email);
strcpy(user->city, city);
strcpy(user->password, password);
Add_user_to_list(L, user);
if(fclose(f)!=0) printf("\n\n FILE NOT PROPERLY ClOSED \n\n");
void Save_File(LIST L){
//PRE: receive an user's list
//POST: saves a new list in file
FILE *f;
int flag=0;
printf("Error opening file f\n");
if(flag) L=L_Next(L);
fprintf(f,"%s %s %s %s %s \n",L_InfoM(L)->name,L_InfoM(L)->CI, L_InfoM(L)->email, L_InfoM(L)->city, L_InfoM(L)->password);
}else printf("List is void, then nothing was saved.\n");
if(fclose(f)!=0) printf("\n\n FILE NOT PROPERLY COSED \n\n");