template < unsigned int i >
struct t {
  static const char *s;
template < unsigned int i >
const char* t<i>::s = ...;

其中 ...是“0 1 2 ... i-1”,例如“0 1 2 3 4”代表i == 5.


  • 出于好奇而提出的问题(使用预处理器宏/常量很容易,但是模板参数怎么样)?
  • 含义是:编译时生成的字符串字面量。我现在看到这const并不强制,但可以使用任何运行时评估函数来生成字符串。

8 回答 8


这在技术上是可行的,只是非常非常难看。这是一个为 unsigned int 生成字符串文字的示例。它(尚未)创建一个“1 2 3 ... i-1”形式的字符串,但是我相信如果您愿意付出努力,这是可能的。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <limits>

// exponentiation calculations
template <int accum, int base, int exp> struct POWER_CORE : POWER_CORE<accum * base, base, exp - 1>{};

template <int accum, int base>
struct POWER_CORE<accum, base, 0>
    enum : int { val = accum };

template <int base, int exp> struct POWER : POWER_CORE<1, base, exp>{};

// # of digit calculations
template <int depth, unsigned int i> struct NUM_DIGITS_CORE : NUM_DIGITS_CORE<depth + 1, i / 10>{};

template <int depth>
struct NUM_DIGITS_CORE<depth, 0>
    enum : int { val = depth};

template <int i> struct NUM_DIGITS : NUM_DIGITS_CORE<0, i>{};

template <>
struct NUM_DIGITS<0>
    enum : int { val = 1 };

// Convert digit to character (1 -> '1')
template <int i>
    enum : char{ val = i + 48 };

// Find the digit at a given offset into a number of the form 0000000017
template <unsigned int i, int place> // place -> [0 .. 10]
struct DIGIT_AT
    enum : char{ val = (i / POWER<10, place>::val) % 10 };

struct NULL_CHAR
    enum : char{ val = '\0' };

// Convert the digit at a given offset into a number of the form '0000000017' to a character
template <unsigned int i, int place> // place -> [0 .. 9]
    struct ALT_CHAR : DIGIT_TO_CHAR< DIGIT_AT<i, place>::val >{};

// Convert the digit at a given offset into a number of the form '17' to a character

// Template description, with specialization to generate null characters for out of range offsets
template <unsigned int i, int offset, int numDigits, bool inRange>  
template <unsigned int i, int offset, int numDigits>                
    struct OFFSET_CHAR_CORE_CHECKED<i, offset, numDigits, false> : NULL_CHAR{};
template <unsigned int i, int offset, int numDigits>                
    struct OFFSET_CHAR_CORE_CHECKED<i, offset, numDigits, true>  : ALT_CHAR<i, (numDigits - offset) - 1 >{};

// Perform the range check and pass it on
template <unsigned int i, int offset, int numDigits>
    struct OFFSET_CHAR_CORE : OFFSET_CHAR_CORE_CHECKED<i, offset, numDigits, offset < numDigits>{};

// Calc the number of digits and pass it on
template <unsigned int i, int offset>
    struct OFFSET_CHAR : OFFSET_CHAR_CORE<i, offset, NUM_DIGITS<i>::val>{};

// Integer to char* template. Works on unsigned ints.
template <unsigned int i>
struct IntToStr
    const static char str[];

template <unsigned int i>
const char IntToStr<i>::str[] = 
    OFFSET_CHAR<i, 0>::val,
    OFFSET_CHAR<i, 1>::val,
    OFFSET_CHAR<i, 2>::val,
    OFFSET_CHAR<i, 3>::val,
    OFFSET_CHAR<i, 4>::val,
    OFFSET_CHAR<i, 5>::val,
    OFFSET_CHAR<i, 6>::val,
    OFFSET_CHAR<i, 7>::val,
    OFFSET_CHAR<i, 8>::val,
    OFFSET_CHAR<i, 9>::val,

// Tests
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    std::wcout << IntToStr<17>::str << std::endl;
    std::wcout << IntToStr<173457>::str << std::endl;
    std::wcout << IntToStr< INT_MAX >::str << std::endl;
    std::wcout << IntToStr<0>::str << std::endl;
    std::wcout << IntToStr<1>::str << std::endl;
    std::wcout << IntToStr<-1>::str << std::endl;

    return 0;
于 2010-11-04T20:29:38.563 回答


template < unsigned int i >
struct t {
  static std::string s;

  static std::string ConvertIntToString()
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << i;
    return ss.str();

template< unsigned int i >
std::string t< i >::s = t<i>::ConvertIntToStr();

顺便说一句,你为什么使用 c 字符串?C++ 有 std::string 类是优越的。



template < unsigned int i >
struct t;

template <>
struct t<0>
  static const char * const s;
const char* const t<0>::s = "abc";

template <>
struct t<1>
  static const char * const s;
const char* const t<1>::s = "123";
于 2010-11-04T11:27:29.983 回答


template < char ... RHS,  unsigned int i> 
struct t { 
    static const char s[] = t<' ', char(i+'0'), RHS, i-1>::s;

template <char ... RHS > 
struct t<RHS, 0> { 
    static const char s[] = {'0', RHS, '\0'};

void main() {
    std::cout << t<5>::s; // {'0',' ','1',' ','2',' ','3',' ','4',' ','5','\0'}
于 2011-01-14T23:22:43.543 回答



于 2010-11-04T11:37:54.193 回答


template < unsigned int i >
struct t {
  static const char *s;
static const char* t::s = ...;



template < unsigned int i >
struct T
  static const char * const s;

template< unsigned i >
const char* const T<i>::s = ...;




于 2010-11-04T11:51:33.837 回答


string makeit(int i)
    stringstream sstr;

    for (int x = 0; x < i-1; x++)
        put x and ' ' in sstr;
    put i in sstr;
    return sstr contents converted to string

更多信息stringstream 可以在这里找到

于 2010-11-04T11:44:44.937 回答
//using lambda
#include <sstream>
template<size_t i372> struct T369 {
    static std::string s;
template<size_t i372> std::string T369<i372>::s = [](){std::stringstream ss; 
for (int j = 0; j < i372; j++) { ss << "," << j; }; return ss.str(); }();
于 2018-05-12T23:10:46.000 回答

使用现代 C++,这现在是可能的。

我相信它可以用 C++17 完成,但是这个解决方案使用了一些 C++20 特性:

#include <iostream>
#include <concepts>

template <char... Cs>
struct char_pack {
    using self = char_pack<Cs...>;

    static constexpr size_t size = sizeof...(Cs);

    // This allows us to use ::concat on types that inherit from char_pack<...>,
    // such as int_to_char_pack.
    // We need this because Cs (below) can't be deduced from a derived type.
    // Ex:
    // char_pack<'a', 'b', 'c'>::concat<int_to_char_pack<123>>
    template <typename Other>
    struct concat_impl : concat_impl<typename Other::self> {};

    template <char... OtherCs>
    struct concat_impl<char_pack<OtherCs...>> : char_pack<Cs..., OtherCs...> {};

    // Using a type alias means we don't have to write ::self in
    // certain places that we otherwise would have needed to due
    // to some quirks in the template evaluation system.
    template <typename Other>
    using concat = concat_impl<Other>;

    template <char... OtherCs>
    using append = char_pack<Cs..., OtherCs...>;

    static constexpr const char to_string[size + 1] = {Cs..., '\0'};

template <auto I>
struct int_to_char_pack : char_pack<> {};

template <std::integral IT, IT I>
requires(I >= 10)
struct int_to_char_pack<I> : int_to_char_pack<I / 10>::append<'0' + (I % 10)> {};

template <std::integral IT, IT I>
requires(I < 10 && I >= 0)
struct int_to_char_pack<I> : char_pack<'0' + (I % 10)> {};

template <std::integral IT, IT I>
requires(I < 0)
struct int_to_char_pack<I> : char_pack<'-'>::concat<int_to_char_pack<-I>> {};

template <int I>
struct num_list : num_list<I - 1>::append<' '>::concat<int_to_char_pack<I>> {};

template <>
struct num_list<0> : char_pack<'0'> {};

int main() {
    std::cout << num_list<10>::to_string;
于 2021-01-02T18:51:34.173 回答