我有 2 个需要在嵌套 FLWOR 语句中引用的 xml 文档。
MJH 源.xml
<logic>Related to agCenter</logic>
<logic>Related to agCenter</logic>
MVReport - 包含 SQL 语句的报告文档的集合。
<xml-property name="queryText"><![CDATA[select v.*
from poi_visit_details_v v
where v.site_id=?
and v.std_code_id in ('15', 'TelephoneMonitoringVisit')
and to_char(v.actual_visit_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') = substr(?, 0, 10)
and (reports_access_pk.site_access(v.SITE_ID, ?) = 'Y'
or reports_access_pk.superuser_access(?) = 'Y')
<xml-property name="queryText"><![CDATA[select v.*
from poi_visit_details_v v
where v.site_id=?
and v.std_code_id in ('15', 'TelephoneMonitoringVisit')
and to_char(v.actual_visit_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') = substr(?, 0, 10)
and (reports_access_pk.site_access(v.SITE_ID, ?) = 'Y'
or reports_access_pk.superuser_access(?) = 'Y')
这个集合是内部循环,我需要在其中查找包含单词“select”和从外部循环返回的“table”、“column”值的所有 SQL 语句。
我遇到的问题是如何在内部循环的“where ... and ...”子句中引用外部“table”、“column”值?
for $target in doc("H:\MJH source.xml")/data-set/record
let $tTable := $target/table
let $tColumn := $target/column
for $sql in collection("MVReport") //*:xml-property[@name = "queryText"]
where $sql contains text "select"
and $sql contains $tTable
and $sql contains $tColumn
let $report := base-uri()
return <report><name>{$sql/base-uri()}</name><sql>{$sql}</sql></report>