我有两个事件流:一个发出事件以表示项目生命周期的开始,另一个流发出事件以表示项目生命周期的结束。(流可以在 . 上加入itemId。)

如何在 Flink 中为每个只有itemId1“生命周期结束”事件而不是相应开始的事件发出一个新事件?(这些开始和结束的事件可能相隔数小时或数天。)


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val stream1: DataStream[Event1] = ???
val stream2: DataStream[Event2] = ???

// map both streams to their ID and a isStart flag to have a common type
val ids1: DataStream[(Int, Boolean)] = stream1.map(e => (e.id, true) )
val ids2: DataStream[(Int, Boolean)] = stream2.map(e => (e.id, false) )

// union both streams
val ids = ids1.union(ids2)

// use a stateful FlatMapFunction to check 
val onlyEOL: DataStream[Int] = ids
  // organize stream by ID
  // use stateful FlatMapFunction to check that bol arrived before eol
  .flatMapWithState { 
    (value: (Int, Boolean), state: Option[Boolean]) =>
      if (value._2) {
        // bol event -> emit nothing and set state to true
        ( List(), Some(true))
      } else {
        // eol event
        if (state.isDefined && state.get) {
          // bol was seen before -> emit nothing and remove state
          ( List(), None) 
        } else {
          // bol was NOT seen before -> emit ID and remove state
          ( List(value._1), None)   
于 2016-12-07T20:09:06.833 回答