我一直在尝试使用 mathprog 方法解决问题,但是当我使用 R 读取 txt 文件时遇到了麻烦。
这是整个代码,但当我在 param a 和 param tc 3 变量中使用时,问题最终出在:
set I;
/* plants*/
set J;
/* customers*/
set T;
/* types*/
set S;
/* modes*/
param pc{i in I, s in S};
/* variable production cost */
param tc{i in I, j in J, t in T};
/* transportation cost */
param a{i in I, t in T, s in S};
/* quantity of product produced */
param b{j in J, t in T};
/* transportation cost */
var z{i in I, s in S} >= 0;
/* intensity of the plant */
var u{i in I, j in J, t in T} >= 0;
/* amount of product shipped from plant to costumer*/
minimize cost: sum{i in I, s in S} pc[i,s] * z[i,s] + sum{t in T, j in J, i in I} tc[i,j,t] * u[i,j,t];
/* production transportation problem */
s.t. first{i in I, j in J, t in T}: sum{i in I} u[i,j,t] = b[j,t];
/* First Constraint */
s.t. second{i in I, j in J, t in T, s in S}: sum{j in J} u[i,j,t] <= sum{s in S} a[i,t,s] * z[i,s];
/* Second Constraint */
s.t. third{i in I, s in S}: sum{s in S} z[i,s] <= 1;
/* Third Constraint */
s.t. fourth{i in I, s in S}: z[i,s] >= 0;
/* Fourth Constraint */
s.t. fifth{i in I, j in J, t in T}: u[i,j,t] >= 0;
/* Fifth Constraint */
set I := P1 P2;
set J := C1 C2 C3 C4 C5;
set T := T1 T2 T3 T4;
set S := S1;
param pc : S1 :=
P1 5000
P2 7000;
param tc : P1T1 P1T2 P1T3 P1T4 P2T1 P2T2 P2T3 P2T4:=
C1 10 15 10 20 10 10 12 12
C2 20 10 15 10 12 12 10 15
C3 20 15 10 10 15 10 12 18
C4 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
C5 5 10 15 20 20 23 21 15;
param a : S1P1 S1P2 :=
T1 50 100
T2 150 50
T3 200 80
T4 150 200;
param b : T1 T2 T3 T4 :=
C1 80 100 80 120
C2 50 100 105 100
C3 80 105 100 100
C4 80 50 15 100
C5 50 100 150 200;
我将它与这些函数一起使用以在 R 中读取它:
model.lp <- Rglpk_read_file ("mathprog_file.txt", type = "MathProg", verbose = F)