我已经尝试了很长一段时间来弄清楚如何在没有运气的情况下插入引导轮播。我不知道这是否与我插入脚本的方式有关。我下载了引导程序并将其放入我的文件夹中。我一个接一个地关注视频和在线教程,但没有运气。就我现在所拥有的,我看到不知何故,脚本干扰了我的导航,当您将鼠标悬停在单词上时出现的下拉信息现在是分开的,当它们过去直接位于单词下方时,之间没有填充或边距. 我只是希望在我的导航正下方有一个轮播,同时仍然允许导航在使用我已经放置的 js 悬停时下拉信息。
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<title>Gender Identity 2</title>
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<h3> Gender Identity </h3>
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<li >
<a href="#bacon" class="cyan">Terms</a>
<a href="#batfish" class="green">Resources</a>
<a href="#tuna" class="lav">Culture</a>
<a href="#sausage" class="teal">Share</a>
<div id="content">
<div id="bacon" class="animated"> <p>Bacon ipsum dolor amet ribeye short loin leberkas andouille jerky meatloaf pork spare ribs corned beef. Andouille ham hock ground round, shankle pastrami rump hamburger filet mignon. </p></div>
<div id="batfish" class="animated"><p>Batfish warmouth orbicular combtooth blenny; madtom, knifefish handfish rock beauty armorhead frogfish. Cownose ray pupfish pencilfish char fangtooth marblefish longfin dragonfish armored searobin hamlet.</p></div>
<div id="tuna" class="animated"><p>Tuna, sculpin squeaker rice eel, lamprey triggerfish mooneye African glass catfish, loach wolf-eel yellowhead jawfish grass carp sea dragon neon tetra. Fingerfish forehead brooder sarcastic fringehead sixgill ray, scaly dragonfish bluntnose minnow.</p></div>
<div id="sausage" class="animated"> <p>Sausage ground round sirloin ham hock t-bone tongue strip steak meatloaf landjaeger shankle andouille. Turducken doner brisket, shank salami shoulder kevin filet mignon ball tip chicken.</p>
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#batfish {
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同样,我已经下载了 bootstrap 并将其插入到我的主文件夹中,因为它是名为 bootstrap 的自己的文件夹,然后可以在其中找到 css 文件夹和 js 文件夹。