Everywhere I've worked, programmers carry about a ruled A4 hard-back note book. To avoid attracting attention, I dutifully carry one also, and once or twice in every meeting I nod sagely and pretend to write down something interesting. Occasionally people leave theirs unattended and I sneak a look. Mostly they seem to be writing a complete narrative of everything they do in the order it happened. Some fill book after book with tiny scrawl like the Kevin Spacey character in 'Seven'.

I can't seem to organize these books like everyone else. Almost all of the paper I generate I throw away, so I work with loose sheets. The things which need preserving end up in design docs or a wiki. TODOs are best tracked as Post-Its on my monitor. Browser bookmarks take care of most day-to-day info about 3rd party tools, and so on.

Could anyone who has an effective log book system please share?


15 回答 15


Day 417.

Still here. We have no source code.

We lost the last of Joel's 12 tests two days ago.

I can not get out.

The end comes.

Management failures.

Management failures in the deep.

They are coming.

于 2009-02-12T17:01:04.360 回答

You don't need to do things the way other people do it. Different people work in different ways. I'm actually more like you. I will write stuff down during meetings but typically the act of writing stuff down is all that is necessary for me to actually remember it. Important stuff goes into a wiki (edited live during the meeting). I do use post-its to help me remember what comes next or stuff that I need to right away -- those go on my monitor. Even if I had an effective log book system for getting data entered -- I'd never look at it, rendering it completely useless.

于 2009-01-03T16:18:57.423 回答

I put all the things you listed (wiki, docs, etc.) into the logbook initially. Once the notes are entered into OneNote, the Wiki, etc., I cross them off the logbook. I don't throw the notes away as there's some possibility that I might need to check back into them.

I use the logbook as just a short term memory buffer. I get its contents into a searchable computer regularly--usually immediately.

于 2009-01-03T16:16:09.567 回答

I use my log book for two purposes. The first is in meetings, where I try to record any decisions or discussions that are taking place from a developer's point of view. At the end of the meeting I'll put my edited notes into an e-mail and sent them to whomever is publishing the meeting minutes. I often find that this helps make sure any "unimportant" details are not left off the minutes - and the minute taker is almost always glad for the second set of notes to work off.

I also use the log book when doing something non-routine. Usually this involves either setting up an application server, installing a new version of some software, or approaching a problem where I'm not sure where to start and intend to "try things out". The purpose of the log book is to be able to retrace my steps in case things go wrong, and to be able to replicate the solution if things go right.

As to physical media, I used to carry around a series of college ruled notebooks. However, I now either enter notes directly into a draft wiki page or into Evernote. I also sketch ideas on graph paper and scan them in to Evernote - ditto with my whiteboard and a digital camera. Evernote has great handwriting recognition. My final notes end up on a relevant wiki page.

于 2009-01-03T16:44:19.430 回答

My notebooks tend to fall apart, which can be very frustrating.

But here's what tends to go into them.

On the organisation front:

  • Write a date and project name at the top!
  • Small Todo (from the daily scrum)
  • I rewrite my days todo list, evey day it seems (integrate with list from scrum)
  • Notes on decisions (often todo items) from meetings (and why)

New Ideas

  • If I have a random idea, that might be useful keep a note
  • Diagrams of how ideas might work etc


  • Bugs that cause me a lot of grief... and how they are resolved

I've previously used a wiki, and I'm thinking it might be valuable again, just the ability to have a page behind that 1 item, is invaluable.

My plan in 2009 is to get a small notebook for each project I work on (rather than 1 unified notebook) then I can refer to project notes, rather than searching chronologically.

Good luck

于 2009-01-03T17:58:57.673 回答

Keep a log if you need to report on what you are doing in the day but cant recall instantly when asked. Note things like what you have done , time devoted to research time devoted to revising current code/designs as needed.

I used to also keep a notebook but mostly so that i could take notes in meetings and stuff , otherwise its just a waste of time , rather use a digital notepad.

于 2009-01-03T16:22:42.050 回答

I have a file, "todo.txt". It is located in the Startup folder, so it is the first thing I see when I start Windows. I don't have an actual "log-book", though I guess I could use one sometimes, I have loads of single A4 papers laying around.

于 2009-01-03T16:13:45.437 回答

It's a bad habit to "sneak a peek", that said, you seem to be a beginner, don't worry It'll come to you. Like tvanfosson said, don't try to do what others do, be yourself. When at meetings try to pick out the important stuff, like on architectures or patterns discussed and make some notes to remember, or an important advice or point from another peer. Also start drawing some diagrams on the projects(s) you are working on. Remember, overtime it'll just come to you, don't beat yourself up. And yes...carry the book and also a pencil!

于 2009-01-03T17:49:56.600 回答

To-do list! I use my notebook to capture any to-do's that pop up during work. I have a simple system that works wonders, I never forget tasks that I capture this way:

  1. If there's a big O in the left margin, then that line is a do to
  2. I put a tick mark in the O when the task is done (or when I've moved the task into another system).
  3. When a page is all done, I put a big slash over the entire page. It's easy to see that it's done.
  4. If there's just one or two tasks left on a page, then I transfer those tasks to the next empty page so I can strike the old page out. Works as a "notebook defrag" of sorts.

I could use a bunch of single papers but they'd get disorganized and lost. A notebook stays with me. I also take down interesting tidbits during meetings, names and contact details of coworkers I need to work with, bits of code or parameters, and stuff that I can't memorize with sufficient precision.

It's true that it looks more professional and busy to carry a notebook than going empty-handed. I often carry it with me for just that reason, as it reduces unnecessary guilt about leaving the workstation.

于 2009-02-25T16:44:55.310 回答

I've noticed that the people who use logbooks religiously at my company are those that started off at companies that do a lot of government contracts - defense contracting and the like. They had to log their billable hours and this was a way to define what they did every day.

I have one that I use for three purposes.

1) Doodling and sketching during large, boring, mandatory department meetings - I can't stand just sitting and listening to someone droning on. A sketchbook would be preferred, but too obvious.
2) Capturing white board drawings when we need to erase the board (I could use a camera but they aren't allowed in all areas).
3) Taking notes in stand-up meetings to transfer into electronic format if needed.

于 2009-01-03T17:13:27.580 回答

I write down things that I've been tasked to do and any supporting information/drawings/diagrams that points me in the right direction. When I've finished the tasks, I put my notes in the recycling bin. Anything I need to remember in the future is recorded electronically, either as part of the solution or a Word document with instructions on what to do next time. For example, I made a Word document with a list of things to do at the end of each year based on all the things I was given to do at the end of last year.

If you feel you need the written notes for future reference, keep them. If not, don't. I think it's better to have them electronically so that if you change positions in the company, the next person who has to do your job has access to the relevant information.

于 2009-01-03T17:18:30.877 回答

We had this weird (and pointless) practice pushed down our throats at university. Personally, I never got the idea, and if you asked me today where those logbooks went, I couldn't tell you. I do have a small Moleskine notebook for ideas, but I mainly try to stick with entering cases into the Inbox in FobBugz, since that's where most of my software-related ideas and development tracking actually happens. The benefits being that a) this stuff will never get lost; and b) I don't have to carry it with me, and cannot lose it.

于 2009-01-03T18:45:41.543 回答

Consider writing your notes in your obligatory log book, then scanning them into the free Evernote application, available on Win, Mac and web. It'll translate your text automatically, making your notes searchable from anywhere. They're even shareable. It's a very useful utility, as you can also capture from FireFox or Thunderbird with just a click. Check out www.evernote.com

于 2009-01-04T05:12:23.307 回答

I use a logbook/notebook to record todo items from meetings (minutes) and to record conversations after they have happened and todo items from those conversations. Somewhere in sachachua.com she writes about recording three main points from significant conversations - I try to do this - my brain will always remember one thing and at a stretch will remember three. If the conversation is significant enough I will take the notes as we speak. (Sacha's main note on recording conversations is here but I can't find the 3-things comment)

The notebooks are then kept in chronological order on one shelf and refered to as required. They help in 'remembering' things like - did I agree to give Pawel a wage increase of 15 or 50 euro? did I tell Joan her redundancy notice would start from Monday or today? When did I tell the client the first payment was due and when did he agree the final payment would be made?

于 2009-02-12T16:49:11.160 回答

Sounds to me like you're doing it right (at least, the same way I do it). Things stay on the paper only long enough to be transferred into an appropriate electronic form (usually wiki, or the bug tracking system, or an electronic todo list).

I used to keep my old notes filed away with the thought that someday I might want to revisit them. After over ten years of never having needed to revisit any of it, I gave up, and now throw things away as soon as I'm done with them.

Paper can't be easily searched, and can't easily be backed up, and as such is an inferior medium for information storage. IMO.

于 2009-07-05T09:00:13.567 回答