I have a table with 6 columns and 140,000 rows, and I can't figure out how to extract specific information from the table. For instance, when I try to extract all the accidents that happens on a specific date, either it tells me that the row '12/05/2015' does not exist or it doesn't let me set 'Date' as a Row Name since the dates repeat because more than one accident happens in a day, thus giving me the error that 'Duplicate row name: '01/01/2015'.

How can I pick a date and extract all of the data that corresponds to it?

P.S. Below you can see two photos, one of the table and one of the errors I get when trying to set date as a row to make everything clearer.

Picture of table

Picture of error


1 回答 1


如果我正确理解你的问题,你想从表中提取包含 Date1 的行,如果是这样,试试这个:

new_table = table(table(:,1)==Date1,:);
于 2016-11-30T10:39:02.077 回答