我正在尝试在 Prolog中实现Levenshtein 距离。
levenshtein(W1, W2, D) :-
atom_length(W1, L1),
atom_length(W2, L2),
lev(W1, W2, L1, L2, D),
lev(_, _, L1, 0, D) :- D is L1, !.
lev(_, _, 0, L2, D) :- D is L2, !.
lev(W1, W2, L1, L2, D) :-
lev(W1, W2, L1 - 1, L2, D1),
lev(W1, W2, L1, L2 - 1, D2),
lev(W1, W2, L1 - 1, L2 - 1, D3),
charAt(W1, L1, C1),
charAt(W2, L2, C2),
( C1 = C2 -> T is 0; T is 1 ),
min(D1, D2, D3 + T, D).
% Returns the character at position N in the atom A
% The position is 1-based
% A: The atom
% N: The position at which to extract the character
% C: The character of A at position N
charAt(A, N, C) :- P is N - 1, sub_atom(A, P, 1, _, C).
% min(...): These rules compute the minimum of the given integer values
% I1, I2, I3: Integer values
% M: The minimum over the values
min(I1, I2, M) :- integer(I1), integer(I2), ( I1 =< I2 -> M is I1; M is I2).
min(I1, I2, I3, M) :- min(I1, I2, A), min(I2, I3, B), min(A, B, M).
?- levenshtein("poka", "po", X).
ERROR: Out of local stack
在Mac OS X Sierra