
interface_sections :  main_interface  bind_buttons  bind_functions bind_panel_items
                   ;  /* Components of a gui program */

bind_buttons       :  T_BEGIN  T_BIND  T_BUTTONS  T_SEMIC  component_list
                      T_END  T_BIND  T_BUTTONS  T_SEMIC 
                   |  epsilon
                   ;  /* Bind the buttons for GUI */

bind_functions     :  T_BEGIN  T_BIND  T_FUNCTIONS  T_SEMIC  component_list
                      T_END  T_BIND  T_FUNCTIONS  T_SEMIC 
                   |  epsilon
                   ;  /* Bind the graphical drawing functions for GUI */

bind_panel_items   :  T_BEGIN  T_BIND  T_PANEL  T_ITEMS  T_SEMIC  component_list
                      T_END  T_BIND  T_PANEL  T_ITEMS  T_SEMIC 
                   |  epsilon
                   ;  /* Bind the panel items or menus for GUI */

请注意,在 main_interface 之后,如果编译器看到标记 T_BEGIN,它将不知道要转到哪个绑定规则。它可能意味着开始 bind_buttons 或者它可能意味着您想要跳过 bind_buttons 并且 T_BEGIN 是启动 bind_functions。




更新: interface_sections : main_interface bind_buttons bind_functions bind_panel_items ;/* gui 程序的组成部分 */

prefix_stuff       : T_BEGIN T_BIND

bind_buttons       :  prefix_stuff  T_BUTTONS  T_SEMIC  component_list
                      T_END  T_BIND  T_BUTTONS  T_SEMIC 
                   |  epsilon
                   ;  /* Bind the buttons for GUI */

bind_functions     :  prefix_stuff  T_FUNCTIONS  T_SEMIC  component_list
                      T_END  T_BIND  T_FUNCTIONS  T_SEMIC 
                   |  epsilon
                   ;  /* Bind the graphical drawing functions for GUI */

bind_panel_items   :  prefix_stuff  T_PANEL  T_ITEMS  T_SEMIC  component_list
                      T_END  T_BIND  T_PANEL  T_ITEMS  T_SEMIC 
                   |  epsilon
                   ;  /* Bind the panel items or menus for GUI */


但是,我认为它在正确的轨道上,我认为我需要将 T_BUTTONS 和 T_FUNCTIONS 和 T_PANEL 放在规则的前面


component_list     :  component_list  valid_components
                   |  valid_components
                   ;  /* For the four bind blocks - a list of components */

valid_components   :  dialog_box_spec
                   |  browser_box_spec
                   |  pull_down_or_right
                   ;  /* Possible components for the list */

1 回答 1

interface_sections :  main_interface  bind_sections_one
                   ;  /* Components of a gui program */

bind_sections_one  : epsilon | T_BEGIN T_BIND bind_first ;

bind_first         : T_BUTTONS T_SEMIC  component_list
                      T_END  T_BIND  T_BUTTONS  T_SEMIC bind_sections_two
                   |  T_FUNCTIONS T_SEMIC component_list T_END T_BIND T_FUNCTIONS T_SEMIC bind_sections_three | T_PANEL T_ITEMS T_SEMIC component_list T_END T_BIND T_PANEL T_ITEMS T_SEMIC

bind_sections_two    : epsilon | T_BEGIN T_BIND bind_second ;

bind_second        : T_FUNCTIONS T_SEMIC component_list T_END T_BIND T_FUNCTIONS T_SEMIC bind_sections_three | T_PANEL T_ITEMS T_SEMIC component_list T_END T_BIND T_PANEL T_ITEMS T_SEMIC ;

bind_sections_three   : epsilon | T_BEGIN T_BIND bind_third;

bind_third        : T_PANEL T_ITEMS T_SEMIC component_list T_END T_BIND T_PANEL T_ITEMS T_SEMIC ;



于 2010-11-03T04:56:22.403 回答