I have a game on Google Play that utilizes NextPeer for realtime multiplayer. I know that they were acquired by Viber, but I saw a message on their site a while back that they would continue supporting existing games using their service. Is this not the case? My game now has an error that says "OH NO! You appear to be offline. Please check your network and try again." Is my multiplayer just dead now, or is Viber continuing to run the server messaging? Can any NextPeer multiplayer users chime in with advice? What is the best viable alternative? Thanks!
143 次
1 回答
不幸的是,Nextpeer 服务已于 2016 年 10 月停止(您可以通过网站了解 - https://www.nextpeer.com/)。作为替代方案,我们建议我们的开发人员使用其他服务。
于 2016-11-27T13:13:15.573 回答