I'm having an issue with sorting strings that have special characters like ^ and ! in a Firebird database.

When using the TADTable component with the following settings and a table that uses collation unicode_ci_ai

CachedUpdates := false;
FetchOptions.Unidirectional := false;
FetchOptions.CursorKind := ckAutomatic;
FetchOptions.Mode := fmOnDemand;
FormatOptions.SortOptions := [soNoCase];

The server will put strings that start with ^ before strings that start with !, but TADTable does the opposite. This results in duplicates when bringing down the records.

I'm looking for best practice when sorting strings with special characters. I have to use TADTable (legacy system) and Live Data Window mode for speed.

Thank you.


1 回答 1


这很可能与具有不同默认字符编码的数据库连接有关。请参阅Firebird 字符集和排序规则

于 2016-11-25T04:19:41.883 回答